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Local Programs

Classroom and community visits

We are offering both in-person and virtual outreach for the 2023-2024 school year. All workshops are approximately 1 hour, with some exceptions.

All workshop content and supplies are completely FREE of charge.

Community groups and events

Community groups (such as Girl Guides), libraries, summer camps, after-school programs and community festivals can request volunteers virtually and in-person to incorporate hands-on/minds-on STEM learning in their programs.

Depending on the nature of the event, we can use one of our workshops or we can set up a table/booth at your event to bring science to life for children and their families. Booth activities we provide can be related to the theme of your event (examples include: Marine Animals, Water Science, Surface Tension, Ozobots, Make your own fingerprint, Are You A Supertaster?, Candy Science, Ruler Reaction Time, The Nervous System, The Animal Group Game, Pi Skyline, Animal Adaptations... and more)!

With a virtual community group visit, we will provide contactless delivery or mail materials that are consumable to your location and facilitate live workshops over Zoom.

Rural trips

We want all children across Canada to have access to exciting, hands-on STEM learning experiences. Bringing our volunteers to your school or community is free to you. 

In the past we have visited: Haida Gwaii, Prince Rupert, Nisga'a, Kitimat and the Kootenays.

To see if a volunteer is available to visit your community, please contact us. This is dependent on volunteer availability and funding.

Virtual classroom visits are also available for rural and remote educators. We will provide delivery or mail materials that are consumable to your school and facilitate live workshops through Zoom.