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Let's Talk Science at the University of Saskatchewan

Welcome to our site! We do outreach for various groups in Saskatoon and across the province.


Let's Talk Science volunteers explaining an activity to students in a classroom.
Welcome to Science Rendezvous!

Science Rendezvous - University of Saskatchewan


May 11, 2024

Student, Grades: For grades 1 to 9

Join us on campus at the University of Saskatchewan for a day of activity booths, campus tours, and more drop-in family fun! This year’s theme is INNOVATE! We can't wait to display some of the innovative research and diverse science happening in Saskatoon and at the U of S campus.

Local Programs

Outreach to First Nations communities and groups is very important to us. We would love to do more, so if you are from a First Nations community and would be interested in having us visit, or visiting us, FREE of Charge, please contact us.
We also always welcome new First Nations volunteers. Please let us know if you are interested.

Sustainability is critically important and affects us all on many levels. Let's Talk Science at the University of Saskatchewan offers many sustainability-related activities such as:
•    Solar energy
•    Solar toys
•    Vermicomposting (worm composting)
•    Water testing
•    Ecology (e.g. Darwin's Finches)

Contact Us

If you’re interested in learning more about our local Outreach program or would like to get involved as a volunteer, we’d love to hear from you!

Alejandro Recalde and Monica Mogrovejo Arias
Collaborative Research Building
112 Science Place 
University of Saskatchewan
Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK  S7N 5E2

Site Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Collins

Join Us at Let’s Talk Science

Our Outreach program volunteers pass on their passion for STEM to youth in Canada. They shatter negative stereotypes and inspire children and youth to become engaged in STEM learning. Through Let’s Talk Science Outreach, we support educators and help youth form positive attitudes towards the role that STEM plays in their lives and futures.

If you want to learn more about the benefits and opportunities to our national community of volunteers visit our national website.

If you are ready to get started with our local program – contact us!

Follow Us!

Follow us on Instagram @ltsusask

Follow the National Outreach Team @LetsTalkScience

Contact the Let’s Talk Science National Outreach team

Our Supporters

Local Supporters:
  • K + S Potash Canada
  • Orano Canada
  • College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Saskatchewan

Support us on our CHIMP page