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Create a Clothing Quiz

Creating a clothing quiz will raise awareness about the environmental impacts of clothing, helping others make more sustainable clothing choices.

  • Facts and statistics about the clothing industry
  • An online quiz platform or cue cards
Sheep, plants and clothing car symbols
Image of sheep, plants and clothing care symbols (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

Clothing sustainability is a huge topic with lots of information. You might want to narrow down the topic of your quiz so that you can go into more detail about one idea.

To choose your topic, think about what you want people to learn from your questions. Do you want them to learn about the materials that clothing is made of? Do you want them to learn about how to read a clothing label? Do you want them to learn what happens to clothing after it is thrown away?

Choose a topic that is interesting to you!  

What will your quiz be about?

Sheep, plants and clothing car symbols
Image of sheep, plants and clothing care symbols (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

Clothing sustainability is a huge topic with lots of information. You might want to narrow down the topic of your quiz so that you can go into more detail about one idea.

To choose your topic, think about what you want people to learn from your questions. Do you want them to learn about the materials that clothing is made of? Do you want them to learn about how to read a clothing label? Do you want them to learn what happens to clothing after it is thrown away?

Choose a topic that is interesting to you!  

Types of question structures on t-shirts
Types of question structures on t-shirts (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

There are lots of different types of questions you could have on your quiz. Some question types include:

  • True or false
  • Multiple choice (with one or multiple correct answers)
  • Mix and match
  • Open-ended questions 

Think about what kind of answers people will give when choosing a type of question. For example, if you are asking a yes/no question you might want to choose a true/false format.

Think about how you can use many types of questions to make your quiz more exciting!   

What kinds of questions will you have?

Types of question structures on t-shirts
Types of question structures on t-shirts (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

There are lots of different types of questions you could have on your quiz. Some question types include:

  • True or false
  • Multiple choice (with one or multiple correct answers)
  • Mix and match
  • Open-ended questions 

Think about what kind of answers people will give when choosing a type of question. For example, if you are asking a yes/no question you might want to choose a true/false format.

Think about how you can use many types of questions to make your quiz more exciting!   

Magnifying glasses looking at content on a computer
Magnifying glasses looking at content on a computer (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

The most important part of creating a trivia-style game is researching your questions so that you know the correct answers.

Think about where you will get your facts from and if those sources are reputable. If you are unsure, the Clothing4Climate resource library is a great place to start. Also think about how you will cite your sources to avoid plagiarism.

Where will you get the facts for your quiz?

Magnifying glasses looking at content on a computer
Magnifying glasses looking at content on a computer (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

The most important part of creating a trivia-style game is researching your questions so that you know the correct answers.

Think about where you will get your facts from and if those sources are reputable. If you are unsure, the Clothing4Climate resource library is a great place to start. Also think about how you will cite your sources to avoid plagiarism.

Phone screens displaying different types of apps
Phone screens displaying different types of apps (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

There are many quiz platforms available online that will allow you to make a quiz game for your friends. Explore the following options and see which one you like best.

Another option is to create your quiz on paper. You might want to use cue cards to write each question. This planner may help you get started. 

What platform will you use to create your quiz?

Phone screens displaying different types of apps
Phone screens displaying different types of apps (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

There are many quiz platforms available online that will allow you to make a quiz game for your friends. Explore the following options and see which one you like best.

Another option is to create your quiz on paper. You might want to use cue cards to write each question. This planner may help you get started. 

Phone with arrows pointing out of it in different directions
Phone with arrows pointing out of it in different directions (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

It is important to share your quiz with friends and family. This ensures that others can learn about sustainable clothing habits. Think about how you could share your quiz on social media or send it to your classmates.

If you created a paper quiz, consider how you could have everyone in your class try it out. 

How will you share your quiz?

Phone with arrows pointing out of it in different directions
Phone with arrows pointing out of it in different directions (©2021 Let’s Talk Science).

It is important to share your quiz with friends and family. This ensures that others can learn about sustainable clothing habits. Think about how you could share your quiz on social media or send it to your classmates.

If you created a paper quiz, consider how you could have everyone in your class try it out. 

  • If you know a bit about coding and spreadsheets you could try making your quiz into a board game using Flippity.
  • Organize a classroom Jeopardy game with your clothing quiz. Maybe you could even make it a school-wide competition.