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Promote a Local Movement

Learning about and promoting local initiatives is a great way to get involved in taking action in your community.

  • Internet access for research
  • Infographic or video software
  • Paper and pens for hard-copy promotional material
Person thinking about environmental issues
Person thinking about environmental issues (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a person next to three thought bubbles. They illustrate the topics "Keeping water clean", Reducing greenhouse gases" and "Protecting ecosystems".

The person is wearing a red patterned shirt and has black hair divided into two long braids. They are tilting their head, raising one eyebrow, and holding one finger to their lips. 

To the left, the top thought bubble shows a curling wave of blue water flowing through a filter, and splashing next to a half-full glass.

The middle thought bubble shows an orange car with a red symbol on top - a circle with a diagonal line through it. Next to it is the globe inside a greenhouse, with the same symbol on top.

The bottom thought bubble shows a pale green stream running through a lush green forest.

Before choosing one or more initiatives to promote, it is important to choose a cause you care about. Think about clothing-related environmental problems. What makes you mad? What makes you sad? Choosing a cause you are passionate about is important when taking action.

Some ideas of topics could be:

  •  Keeping water clean
  • Reducing greenhouse gasses
  • Protecting ecosystems

What issues are important to you?

Person thinking about environmental issues
Person thinking about environmental issues (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a person next to three thought bubbles. They illustrate the topics "Keeping water clean", Reducing greenhouse gases" and "Protecting ecosystems".

The person is wearing a red patterned shirt and has black hair divided into two long braids. They are tilting their head, raising one eyebrow, and holding one finger to their lips. 

To the left, the top thought bubble shows a curling wave of blue water flowing through a filter, and splashing next to a half-full glass.

The middle thought bubble shows an orange car with a red symbol on top - a circle with a diagonal line through it. Next to it is the globe inside a greenhouse, with the same symbol on top.

The bottom thought bubble shows a pale green stream running through a lush green forest.

Before choosing one or more initiatives to promote, it is important to choose a cause you care about. Think about clothing-related environmental problems. What makes you mad? What makes you sad? Choosing a cause you are passionate about is important when taking action.

Some ideas of topics could be:

  •  Keeping water clean
  • Reducing greenhouse gasses
  • Protecting ecosystems
Clothing swap event sign
Clothing swap event sign (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of two people walking by a sign. On it are images of clothing and curved arrows in a circular pattern.

The sign is two pale purple boards joined together at the top, and propped up on the floor. It has a large pink arrow at the bottom, pointing left. Two people are shown from the waist down, walking in this direction. In the bottom left corner of the panel, the toe of a grey shoe indicates another person walking towards the same place.

Once you have chosen a topic, do some research on the initiatives happening in your community. Ask yourself:

  • Is there a group taking action at my school, or in my community.
  • Do I know of online groups involved with my topic?
  • Are there any upcoming events about this topic? 

What initiatives are happening in your community?

Clothing swap event sign
Clothing swap event sign (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of two people walking by a sign. On it are images of clothing and curved arrows in a circular pattern.

The sign is two pale purple boards joined together at the top, and propped up on the floor. It has a large pink arrow at the bottom, pointing left. Two people are shown from the waist down, walking in this direction. In the bottom left corner of the panel, the toe of a grey shoe indicates another person walking towards the same place.

Once you have chosen a topic, do some research on the initiatives happening in your community. Ask yourself:

  • Is there a group taking action at my school, or in my community.
  • Do I know of online groups involved with my topic?
  • Are there any upcoming events about this topic? 
Person weighing options
Person weighing options (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a person with one eyebrow raised, and an old-fashioned scale above their head.

The person has blond hair in a bob, and is wearing lots of black bracelets on one wrist. They are grasping their chin and their face has a look of concentration. 

To the left of the person, one side of the scale hangs lower than the other. This side has an orange letter A in the weight pan. Five white lines stretch out from the A, with blue circles on the ends, like a mind map. 

To the right of the person, an orange letter B is in the other weight pan. This letter has three white lines and blue circles. It is higher than side A.

Make a list of all of the initiatives that support your cause in your community. Now, decide which initiatives you will promote. Think critically about each group on your list. Consider:

  • Who is in charge of this initiative?
  • Who participates in this initiative?
  • Is it easy to get involved?
  • How does this initiative help the environment?
  • Who funds this initiative? 

How will you decide which initiatives to promote?

Person weighing options
Person weighing options (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a person with one eyebrow raised, and an old-fashioned scale above their head.

The person has blond hair in a bob, and is wearing lots of black bracelets on one wrist. They are grasping their chin and their face has a look of concentration. 

To the left of the person, one side of the scale hangs lower than the other. This side has an orange letter A in the weight pan. Five white lines stretch out from the A, with blue circles on the ends, like a mind map. 

To the right of the person, an orange letter B is in the other weight pan. This letter has three white lines and blue circles. It is higher than side A.

Make a list of all of the initiatives that support your cause in your community. Now, decide which initiatives you will promote. Think critically about each group on your list. Consider:

  • Who is in charge of this initiative?
  • Who participates in this initiative?
  • Is it easy to get involved?
  • How does this initiative help the environment?
  • Who funds this initiative? 
List of initiatives
List of initiatives (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a hand circling numbers on a list.

A left hand with pale skin holds a black pen with a red tip. It is drawing circles around numbers 2, 3 and 5 on a handwritten list. The words are in black ink, but they are not readable.

Once you have a short list of initiatives, decide how many to include in your promotional materials. Do you want to go into detail about one initiative? Or do you want to offer multiple options to your audience? 

How many initiatives will you promote?

List of initiatives
List of initiatives (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a hand circling numbers on a list.

A left hand with pale skin holds a black pen with a red tip. It is drawing circles around numbers 2, 3 and 5 on a handwritten list. The words are in black ink, but they are not readable.

Once you have a short list of initiatives, decide how many to include in your promotional materials. Do you want to go into detail about one initiative? Or do you want to offer multiple options to your audience? 

Promotional material
Promotional material (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a poster, a pamphlet, a radio, a phone, and an online video window.

On a bright green background, a red poster has a large, pink, circular graphic. Below, the radio is a small transistor model. In the centre, a piece of white paper folded in three sections is filled with information and images. On the top right is a pale pink rectangle with red circle with a triangular play symbol in the middle. On the bottom right is a smart phone in a red case, with text and an image of a pink t-shirt on the screen.

Promotional material can come in many different formats. For example:

  • an infographic
  • a video
  • a brochure
  • a radio advertisement
  • a social media post 

When choosing the format, think about your target audience.What is the best way to get this information to them? 

What format will you use for your promotional material?

Promotional material
Promotional material (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a poster, a pamphlet, a radio, a phone, and an online video window.

On a bright green background, a red poster has a large, pink, circular graphic. Below, the radio is a small transistor model. In the centre, a piece of white paper folded in three sections is filled with information and images. On the top right is a pale pink rectangle with red circle with a triangular play symbol in the middle. On the bottom right is a smart phone in a red case, with text and an image of a pink t-shirt on the screen.

Promotional material can come in many different formats. For example:

  • an infographic
  • a video
  • a brochure
  • a radio advertisement
  • a social media post 

When choosing the format, think about your target audience.What is the best way to get this information to them? 

Person presenting an infographic
Person presenting an infographic (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a person next to a poster, gesturing to it, and looking out into the room. 

The person is standing in front of a purple wall, where the poster is pinned. They are pointing at information written on the bottom, while looking out and up from the poster.

Lines stretch out to the left of the poster. There is a circle at end of each one, in various shades of blue. These look similar to ideas in a mind map.  

The poster is pink, with a large illustration of a red and white t-shirt. Blue arrows point around it to other garments - jeans, socks and a baseball cap. Words are printed in pale blue, but these are not readable.

Make sure your promotion includes everything your audience needs to know to get involved. This information might include:

  • the date & time of an event
  • the location
  • contact information
  • how to learn more 

This information is also important to think about when you choose the format for your promotion. 

What information will you need for your promotional material?

Person presenting an infographic
Person presenting an infographic (©2022 Let’s Talk Science)
Image - Text version

Shown is a colour comic-style illustration of a person next to a poster, gesturing to it, and looking out into the room. 

The person is standing in front of a purple wall, where the poster is pinned. They are pointing at information written on the bottom, while looking out and up from the poster.

Lines stretch out to the left of the poster. There is a circle at end of each one, in various shades of blue. These look similar to ideas in a mind map.  

The poster is pink, with a large illustration of a red and white t-shirt. Blue arrows point around it to other garments - jeans, socks and a baseball cap. Words are printed in pale blue, but these are not readable.

Make sure your promotion includes everything your audience needs to know to get involved. This information might include:

  • the date & time of an event
  • the location
  • contact information
  • how to learn more 

This information is also important to think about when you choose the format for your promotion. 

Share your promotional material with us!

Share a picture, video or link to your promotional material!

  • Get involved in one of the initiatives that you researched! Now that you know how others are taking action for a cause you care about, it is time to join in!
  • Help your friends promote other initiatives. Create an online survey or document. Share it with your classmates and ask them to submit environmental initiatives that they know about. Promote the submitted initiatives.