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Local Programs

Community Visits

Community groups (such as Scouts and Girl Guides), libraries, summer camps, after-school programs and community festivals can request volunteers virtually and in-person to incorporate hands-on/minds-on STEM learning in their programs. We’d be happy to set up a table or booth at your event to bring science to life for children and their families.

Below are some of the community organizations that we currently partner with:

Boys and Girls Club

The mission statement for Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg is "to provide a safe, supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life". A majority of the students are from lower socioeconomic families- some of which are recent immigrants and refugees to Canada. Our volunteers provide free hands-on/minds-on STEM activities to all attendees, providing enrichment for children and youth who typically may not be able to take part in programs, such as science camps and educational extracurricular activities. 

Within Winnipeg, we have established partnerships with 4 of the 10 clubs: Ryerson Boys and Girls Club, Freight House Boys and Girls Club, Aberdeen Boys and Girls Club, and Norquay Boys and Girls Club.

CanU Canada

CanU Canada is an organization in Winnipeg which promotes hope, confidence, literacy, mentorship, nutrition and physical activity in an after-school setting. Students starting at Grade 5 come to the University of Manitoba and learn how to be leaders! Currently, Lets Talk Science Coordinators and Volunteers run the science programming at CanU Canada. Volunteers have the opportunity to do many quick, fun hands on science actvities and even become mentors with the program! Activites done in the program in the past have included Strawberry DNA Extraction, Milky Swirl, and 5 week cirriculums based on astromony and optics!


Rural Visits

We want all children across Canada to have access to exciting, hands-on STEM learning experiences. Bringing our volunteers to your school or community is free to you.

To see if a volunteer is available to visit your community, contact us.