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Project Guide

There are two ways to participate with your students:

Condensed Mission Experience
3-4 hours
Full Mission Experience
6+ hours
Lesson 1: Learn
An introduction to Canada’s roles in lunar missions.
Lesson 1: Learn
An introduction to Canada’s roles in lunar missions.
Lesson 2: Prepare
An introduction to the rover mission, and how to play the game.
Lesson 2: Prepare
An introduction to the rover mission, and how to play the game.
Lesson 3: Design
Play the Game: Condensed Version
Lesson 3: Design
Play the Game: Full Version
No mission plan submission Lesson 4: Pitch
Complete the mission pitch
Lesson 5: Reflect
Reflect on the experience and explore careers in the space sector.
Lesson 5: Reflect
Reflect on the experience and explore careers in the space sector.

While the competition portion of the Lunar Rover Challenge is not actively running, the full version of the game and mission pitch template is still available to classes who want to complete the mission planning portion of the project. There is no opportunity to submit mission plans for judging at this time. Subscribe to our Lunar Rover Research Challenge mailing list to be the first to hear if the competition returns in the future!

Blended Approach

You can begin with the Condensed Classroom Experience with your entire class, then have some students continue with the Full Version of the game if they are looking for an extra challenge..

The mission design activity is a collaborative game played in teams of five or fewer students.

Both the condensed and full versions of the game can be played either digitally, or on paper. Choose the format based on your students’ abilities and the resources available.

What You Need

Printable Game
Students playing through the board game version of the lunar rover challenge
Pencils and pencil crayons or markers
One printed game set per team
Students must be co-located around the same table.
Digital Game
Students discussing the lunar rover challenge
One laptop or Chromebook per student
Internet and a copy of the Google Slides game set per team
Students can be co-located or remote. If remote, they must have a way to communicate.