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Let's Talk Science at Western University

Our Outreach volunteers engage Canadian youth in a wide variety of meaningful STEM learning experiences in both school and community settings. Our trained and enthusiastic volunteers typically work with children as young as three years old and youth up to Grade 12, delivering hands-on/minds-on activities on a variety of topics.


Let's Talk Science volunteers explaining an activity to students in a classroom.


Local Programs

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Our Workshops

Explore our listing of hands-on exciting workshops we can bring to your group!

Contact Us

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Join Us at Let’s Talk Science

Our Outreach program volunteers pass on their passion for STEM to youth in Canada. They shatter negative stereotypes and inspire children and youth to become engaged in STEM learning. Through Let’s Talk Science Outreach, we support educators and help youth form positive attitudes towards the role that STEM plays in their lives and futures.

If you want to learn more about the benefits and opportunities to our national community of volunteers visit our national website.

If you are ready to get started with our local program – contact us!

Meet some of our dedicated and talented Let’s Talk Science volunteers.

Opportunities for everyone

  • Graduate Students: We are always looking for dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers who are passionate about sharing their love of science with the youth of their community. Any graduate student with a science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) background is welcome to volunteer.
  • Undergraduate Students: Looking for volunteer experience? Love science? Like interacting with kids? We are looking for you!! If you're interested in participating and are a dedicated/motivated student please contact us!
  • Faculty of Education Students: We are always happy to have Althouse students volunteer with us. Consider doing your Alternative Field Experience (AFE) placement with us as well!

Benefits of Volunteering

  • Develop Leadership Skills: Create your own STEM activities and take charge of special events and programs.
  • Be a Role Model: Our volunteers are awe-inspiring. Motivate and inspire youth to enjoy, understand and pursue STEM.
  • Develop Teaching Skills: Learn how to make STEM material interesting to young minds by designing engaging hands-on/minds-on activities.
  • Develop Communication Skills: Gain experience speaking in front of audiences or writing effective articles, tailoring topics to various age ranges and making research in your own field accessible to children and youth.
  • Network and Collaborate: Seize the opportunity to work in a team and meet like-minded people.
  • Make a Difference: Be part of a national community that has excited, inspired and engaged over 3 million children, youth, educators, and volunteers since 1993.
  • Personal Satisfaction: Share your love of STEM with children and be inspired by their enthusiasm!