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How does water move up a plant?

How does water move up a plant?

Hands-on Activities

Do an experiment with celery to learn about the structures that help plants take up water.

How fast can you react?

How fast can you react?

Hands-on Activities

What is a reflex? Test your reaction time and find out why reflexes are important in this challenge activity.

DNA "unzipping"

How can I obtain a sample of DNA?

Hands-on Activities

Be a biochemist! Learn how to extract DNA from an onion and find out what DNA looks like.

How can I stop bananas from turning brown?

How can I stop bananas from turning brown?

Hands-on Activities

Explore the chemistry behind why bananas turn brown. Can chemistry also help prevent this?

How can I take fingerprints?

How can I take fingerprints?

Hands-on Activities

In this activity learn how to collect fingerprints, about the patterns in fingerprints and why fingerprinting is so useful!

compass pointing north

How can I tell which way is north at night?

Hands-on Activities

Do you like to look at the stars? What can you identify in the night sky? Try finding some important constellations tonight!

How can I write secret messages?

How can I write secret messages?

Hands-on Activities

Learn how you can write and reveal secret messages in this hands-on chemistry activity.

How can you make popcorn kernels dance?

How can you make popcorn kernels dance?

Hands-on Activities

Get your popcorn kernels dancing with this uplifting chemical reaction.

How can you see underwater?

How can you see underwater?

Hands-on Activities

Explore how we see things through water.

Dinosaur footprint fossil

How did dinosaurs leave fossils behind?

Hands-on Activities

Using a toy dinosaur and some plaster of Paris, learn how dinosaur footprints could become fossils.

How do I see colour?

How do I see colour?

Hands-on Activities

How is light connected to the colours we see? In this STEAM activity make a colourful light catcher and discover why we see different colours?

dump truck from different angles

How Do Objects Look from Different Angles?


Students develop and apply observing, predicting and spatial reasoning skills to explore the position of objects.

How do vacuum cleaners work?

How do vacuum cleaners work?

Hands-on Activities

Discover the type of pressure that is used in a vacuum cleaner.

How does rain become acidic?

How does rain become acidic?

Hands-on Activities

Learn how to make a pH indicator and test water samples.


Flowers: Trumpet Shape

Picture Collections

5 images of some flowerheads such as petunias and lilies that start as a narrow base and widen to an open shape