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Professional Learning for Teachers - Free Skill Development

Discover Curriculum-Aligned, Ready-to-Use Teaching Resources!

  • An active national STEM educator network with participating educators in every province and territory across Canada
  • 84% increased their confidence in their teaching
  • 80% would recommend Let’s Talk Science to a colleague
  • Programs developed by educators with over 100 years of combined teaching experience

Looking for something else?

There are events to suit every educator, regardless of grade, setting or teaching assignment.

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New educational concepts are emerging almost every day, and as a busy educator, it’s hard to know where to start. But, with Learning Pathways, you’ll get training designed to meet your needs.

Two teachers discussing a topic


  • Instantly usable teaching strategies
  • Tools to enhance students' outcomes
  • Opportunity to advance your career
  • Customizable lessons to fit your specific assignment
  • Fits your schedule (taking as little as 30 minutes to complete.)
  • Learning that aligns to your personal learning goals
  • Free

Explore more

learning pathways infographic
learning pathways infographic
The Learning Pathways Experience
Creating one educator session or course
  • 70 hours reviewing published content to meet current practices
    • 3 development stages (brainstorm, craft, polish)
  • 25 hours strategic planning spent
    • Consulting and researching
      • Consultation with:
        • Classroom Educators
        • Royal Society of Canada
        • Researchers
        • Industry Experts
        • Elders
        • Knowledge Keepers 
  • 15 hours consulted with in-classroom educators and other experts
  • 60 average development hours 
    • 8-12 hours brainstorming 
    • 18-30 hours crafting learning 
    • 16-20 hours polishing learning 
    •  8-12 hours creating learning in French 
  • 13 Let’s Talk Science staff members located in 7 provinces 
  • 100+ educators facilitating learning for their peers 
  • 0 cost for you 

Image - Text Version

The Learning Pathways Experience
Creating one educator session or course
  • 70 hours reviewing published content to meet current practices
    • 3 development stages (brainstorm, craft, polish)
  • 25 hours strategic planning spent
    • Consulting and researching
      • Consultation with:
        • Classroom Educators
        • Royal Society of Canada
        • Researchers
        • Industry Experts
        • Elders
        • Knowledge Keepers 
  • 15 hours consulted with in-classroom educators and other experts
  • 60 average development hours 
    • 8-12 hours brainstorming 
    • 18-30 hours crafting learning 
    • 16-20 hours polishing learning 
    •  8-12 hours creating learning in French 
  • 13 Let’s Talk Science staff members located in 7 provinces 
  • 100+ educators facilitating learning for their peers 
  • 0 cost for you 

Do you coordinate educator professional learning for a school board, faculty of education or other organization?

Yes! Request a free Professional Learning session for your next Professional Development or Activity Day.

Get Started

Do you have questions about our Professional Learning Program?

Learn more about Let’s Talk Science’s Professional Learning Program and how you can plan it into your schedule by consulting our frequently asked questions. 

Get the Answers
Teacher discussing a concept with students


10 years Amgen Canada
10 years The Government of Canada
10 years Hibernia
10 years

The Mitchell and Kathryn Baran Family Foundation

5 years Rio Tinto
10 years Trottier Family Foundation

Thank You to our Supporters

Cenovus Energy

Richard & Leigh Dobson

Spin Master
Lewitt Family Foundation
The Boeing Company

Computer Modelling Group

AltaGas Ltd.
Best Buy Canada Ltd.