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Career Lessons

To support the implementation of our career resources, we have developed lesson ideas that will engage youth and help them think deeply about their futures. While these lessons address the curriculum strands and topics of most Canadian career development courses, STEM teachers can also use them to familiarize students with careers related to the topics they are studying.

Featured Lessons

Stethoscope on globe

STEAM Jobs Around the World


Students will develop critical thinking skills as they investigate STEAM careers locally and internationally.

Ethical hacker

Careers of the Future


Students will learn about potential careers of the future and create their own job description.

Creative ideas picture

Attributes and Skills of Innovators


Students explore the attributes and skills that can make someone a successful innovator.


Science and Technology
Girl dreaming about flying

What do you want to DO when you grow up?


Students will use online tools and job search engines to explore career possibilities and the job market.

Woman looking at a product label

When am I ever going to need chemistry?


Students will be introduced to careers where chemistry is relevant to everyday life and will explore chemicals in familiar household products.

Stethoscope on globe

STEAM Jobs Around the World


Students will develop critical thinking skills as they investigate STEAM careers locally and internationally.

Outdoor crime scene

You Be the Crime Scene Investigator


Students will learn about crime scene investigation and its connections to cell biology and careers.

Diverse group of healthcare workers

So you’re interested in a career in healthcare?


Students will explore the many career pathways associated with a career in healthcare.

Tip of the career iceberg

Tip of the Career Iceberg


Students will explore the breadth of career opportunities through brainstorming, research and graphic organizers.

Group of adults looking at code

Coding is For Everyone!


Students will learn the importance of computer programming skills across a variety of career areas and how these skills can make them more employable.

Cybersecurity concept image

Cybersecurity Career Exploration


Students will explore different possible working environments related to the field of cybersecurity.

Electrical engineers at work

Engineering a Future Career


Students explore the different branches of engineering and discover the similarities and differences between them.

Cartoon person pulling bag from phone

Virtual Career Fairs for the Science Classroom


Students conduct a virtual exploration of careers and career pathways with connections to science.

building a website

My STEAM Portfolio Website


Students will create a personal website to demonstrate the STEAM skills and concepts they have learned in class/school.

Scientist testing water samples

Careers in the Great Outdoors


Students explore careers related to outdoors and the land and then design and build a water filter prototype.

Bike lane in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia

Design a Bike Lane


Students will plan the development of a bike lane and explore careers associated with such a development.

Astronomer technician in observatory

Careers in Physics


Students explore careers in the area of physics and relate their science classroom learning to specific careers.

Ethical hacker

Careers of the Future


Students will learn about potential careers of the future and create their own job description.

Career sector representatives

Exploring Career Sectors and Skills


Students will explore STEM career sectors and the skills required for a variety of STEM careers.

Working group analyzing reports

How Does STEM Support Non-STEM Careers?


Students will explore how STEM skills are needed in non-STEM careers.

Confident STEM student

STEM Skills and Self-Exploration


Students learn how the STEM skills that they develop in class apply to future career options. 

Timothy Burkhart

Query a Career Profile


Students will explore career profiles and relate them to what they are learning in science class.

Engineers at work

Exploring Engineering Careers


Students will learn about the different types of engineering and the various post-secondary pathways available.

Volcanologists looking at glowing lava

Career Exploration : Volcanologist


Students construct a model of a volcano and explore the career of a volcanologist.

Recycled bottle bird feeder

Innovating with Form and Function


Students use their understanding of form and function to design an innovative object or device.

Construction worker with house plan

Careers with Form and Function


Students explore careers that involve the concepts of form and function.

Students working together on a laptop

Learning About Technological Careers


Students will research careers and post-secondary pathways related to their current course. 

Student presenting to peers

Demonstrating Skills in Technological Careers


Students will learn and demonstrate skills required in a career of interest.

Welding trainee

Exploring Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships


Students explore a variety of skilled trades careers and learn about training requirements.

Female electronics engineer runs tests on laptop

Exploring Careers in STEM Grade 8


Students will expand their knowledge of STEM career types related to a topic they are studying in science.

Exploring Career Types

Exploring Career Types


Students will recognize that there are many different ways to earn a living and that a ‘career’ does not necessarily have to be a 9 to 5 arrangement.
Students will recognize that different career types and job arrangements have their own positive and negative aspects.

Engineer inspecting a solar panel

Careers In Sustainability


Students explore non-traditional careers related to sustainability and sustainable development.

A STEM Scavenger Hunt

A STEM Scavenger Hunt


Students will explore the Let’s Talk Science careers resources and learn about career options that require, or benefit from, a background in STEM.

Checking the inside of a pipe

Crack the Code: Water Treatment


Students learn about the water treatment process as they complete a digital “escape room” on a Google site.

Airport terminal with airplane

Up, Up and Away: Careers in Flight


Students will learn about the wide variety of jobs related to the aviation industry.

Woman working on her laptop in a modern glass office

Exploring Careers in STEM Grade 7


Students will expand their knowledge of STEM career types related to a topic they are studying in science.

Elementary/Middle School
Girl reading an adventure book

Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography


Students reflect upon the influences on their career path journeys to date and summarize these in an autobiographical poem or Powerpoint presentation.

Duckling testing the water

Testing the Waters


Students learn about how to gain experience and be exposed to, or “test the waters,” of careers that align with their personal occupational goals.

Light bulb and cord in shape of a head

Light and Sound Inventions that Changed the World


Students will explore the societal impacts of inventions involving light and sound.

Creative ideas picture

Attributes and Skills of Innovators


Students explore the attributes and skills that can make someone a successful innovator.

Amy King

Careers with Light and Sound


Students complete a jigsaw activity to learn about careers involving light and sound.

Airport terminal with airplane

Up, Up and Away: Careers in Flight


Students will learn about the wide variety of jobs related to the aviation industry.

Woman working on her laptop in a modern glass office

Exploring Careers in STEM Grade 7


Students will expand their knowledge of STEM career types related to a topic they are studying in science.

Female electronics engineer runs tests on laptop

Exploring Careers in STEM Grade 8


Students will expand their knowledge of STEM career types related to a topic they are studying in science.



Lessons for Career Exploration/Career Development Courses
Introduction to Career Development
Introduction to Career Development

Introduction to Career Development


Students are introduced to career development as a lifelong process as they visualize who, what and where they want to be when they graduate.

A STEM Scavenger Hunt

A STEM Scavenger Hunt


Students will explore the Let’s Talk Science careers resources and learn about career options that require, or benefit from, a background in STEM.

Introducing Career Options

Introducing Career Options


Students will be introduced to career development and begin thinking about different career options.

Tip of the career iceberg

Tip of the Career Iceberg


Students will explore the breadth of career opportunities through brainstorming, research and graphic organizers.

Students visualizing in class

Visualizing Your Career


Using the process of visualization, students will start to identify preferred aspects of their ideal career.

Six domains of the Holland code

Work Interests and the Holland Code


Students are introduced to the Holland Code framework and types of work interest themes. They are then challenged to identify their own career personality and occupational ideas.

Teen filming a video

Flipgrid Career Showcase


Students will create videos showcasing a career profile that they are interested in.

Running shoes with arrows pointing in different directions

How do I decide?


Students will explore a variety of decision-making strategies, and reflect on their decision-making style.


Employability Skills
What are your Employability Skills?

What are Your Employability Skills?


Students will identify employability skills in which they are strong and those that need work, create an Employability Skills Profile and develop plans to improve their employability skills.

The Skills Employers Look For

The Skills Employers Look For


Students will identify the skills that employers look for in potential employees.
Students will recognize that they have skills and abilities that align with employer needs.
Students will make personal connection between their interests and current skills with the person in the career profile.

What skills do I need for the workplace?

What Skills do I Need for the Workplace?


Students will deepen their understanding of the concept of employability skills. Students will develop an awareness of opportunities available for those who have well-developed employability skills.

Your Personality and the Workplace

Your Personality and the Workplace


Students recognize the importance of the connection between life choices and their personal characteristics. Students will make connections between who they are now, the people they wish to become (their future selves), and their connections with work.

Fashion entrepreneur wearing headscarf

Global Competency Skills Inventory


Students will take inventory of their Global Competency skills, reflect on their strengths, and set next steps for mastery of these skills.

Young woman speaking in sign language

Communication is Key


Through hands-on activities, students will distinguish how social and work situations require both verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Essential Skills
What are essential skills?

What are Essential Skills?


Students will understand the importance of the Nine Essential Skills.
Students will recognize the importance of each Essential Skill in their future careers and lives.

Hands holding wrists.

Untangling Your Skills


What important skills do students need to get untangled? Find out in this experiential activity that explores “essential skills”.


Career Adaptability – Change & Growth
BYO Career Development Timeline

BYO Career Development Timeline


Students will come to see themselves as people who have skills and knowledge that are valuable to entering the world of work.
Students will recognize that skills and abilities are developed in both formal and informal settings.

What’s your Plan B?

What’s your Plan B?


Students will recognize the importance of flexibility and adaptability when it comes to career choices.
Students will recognize that previous education is an asset that provides for great flexibility and adaptability.

Girl reading an adventure book

Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography


Students reflect upon the influences on their career path journeys to date and summarize these in an autobiographical poem or Powerpoint presentation.

Girl dreaming about flying

What do you want to DO when you grow up?


Students will use online tools and job search engines to explore career possibilities and the job market.

Hand holding a baseball

Responding to Life’s Curveballs


Students will explore what it means to be adaptable and flexible, and learn how to solve problems in a proactive way with respect to career planning.

Running shoes with arrows pointing in different directions

How do I decide?


Students will explore a variety of decision-making strategies, and reflect on their decision-making style.

Children climbing a hill of hay bales

Resiliency on the Career Path


Students will learn about career resilience by reviewing career profiles on the Let’s Talk Science career resource website

Boot on a shovel

Is This For Me? Reflecting On Occupational Fit


Students engage in self-reflection as they consider occupational fit and how various career options align with their personal strengths and preferences.

Diver with branches

Taking Risks in Your Career


Students learn about different ways that people take risks in their careers.

Personal Management & Planning
Choosing a credit card

Choosing a Credit Card


Students will identify and distinguish between different types of credit cards, develop an understanding of credit cards costs and features, and learn how to shop for a credit card.

Girl with arrows sketched on chalkboard.

Sketching Your Career Path


Students use a sketch note learning strategy to map out their career path.

One person being accepted and another rejected

Discrimination in the Workplace


Students define workplace discrimination and analyze scenarios.

Diver with branches

Taking Risks in Your Career


Students learn about different ways that people take risks in their careers.

Rock climbers

How Can I Take Responsible Risks?


Students share examples of responsible risk-taking and reflect on how they can take risks.

Image of delivery person and clock to represent being friendly, reliable and on time

Developing Successful Work Habits


Students will learn about work habits that can help them succeed in any career.

Boot on a shovel

Is This For Me? Reflecting On Occupational Fit


Students engage in self-reflection as they consider occupational fit and how various career options align with their personal strengths and preferences.



Lifestyle and Aspirations
What's my lifestyle?

What’s My Lifestyle?


Students will realize that high salaries are not always equated with a great lifestyle.

Exploring Motivational Factors

Exploring Motivational Factors


Students will explore motivational factors that influence a person’s career on a daily basis.
Students will recognize motivational factors that are similar to their own.
Student will identify the factors that motivate or are important to them as they explore or plan for future career opportunities.

Instagram on a phone

Instagram It


Students choose a career to research and create an Instagram profile about that career choice.

Celebrity talk show

Career Talk Show


Students will research a career (or career sector) and role-play being a person in that career being interviewed by a talk show host.




Career Preparations
Factors Affecting Career Choice

Factors Affecting Career Choice


Students explore and discuss factors they should consider when they are planning a career path.

Creating Your Career Documentary

Creating Your Career Documentary


Students will engage in a ‘forward thinking’ exercise. This exercise addresses the following: what they want from life, the skills and abilities they have now that are useful for future career decisions, the skills and abilities they will need to develop, and how they are going to connect who they are with who they want to be and what they want to do.

Learning from the Experiences of Others

Learning from the Experience of Others


Students will recognize the benefit of seeking advice from those experienced in specific career areas that interest them.

Making Informed Career Choices

Making Informed Career Choices


Students will learn that possessing the right kind of information is important for making an informed career decision as well as for future career success and stability.

Exploring Career Types

Exploring Career Types


Students will recognize that there are many different ways to earn a living and that a ‘career’ does not necessarily have to be a 9 to 5 arrangement.
Students will recognize that different career types and job arrangements have their own positive and negative aspects.

What influences our career choices?

What Influences our Career Choices?


Students will develop the understanding that there are many things that influence a person’s career choice.

Learning About Educational Pathways

Learning About Educational Pathways


Students will be aware of and understand the importance of, various learning pathways that lead to successful life and work experiences.
Students will become aware of the variety of STEM careers available in each of these different learning pathways.

The Role of Personal Skills and Interests

The Role of Personal Skills and Interests


Students will further develop their understanding and appreciation of the importance of personal interests, skills, achievements as well as previous job skills and experiences to the career development process.

Six domains of the Holland code

Work Interests and the Holland Code


Students are introduced to the Holland Code framework and types of work interest themes. They are then challenged to identify their own career personality and occupational ideas.

Duckling testing the water

Testing the Waters


Students learn about how to gain experience and be exposed to, or “test the waters,” of careers that align with their personal occupational goals.

Woman working on computer in front of a map

Mapping My Volunteer and Work Experience


Students learn how to find a volunteer and work experience and then develop a detailed plan to apply for one of these experiences.

Instagram on a phone

Instagram It


Students choose a career to research and create an Instagram profile about that career choice.

Smiling job candidate before her interview

Ace the Interview!


Could you ace a job interview? Students learn about preparing for a job interview and practice important interview skills.




Occupational Clusters
A Virtual Career Fair

A Virtual Career Fair


Students will learn about various careers, and career pathways, through their review of various career profiles.
Students will continue to develop their understanding of the importance of STEM courses/programs for future career pathways.

Formal and informal education

The Role of Formal and Informal Education


Students will develop an understanding of the differences between, and value of, both formal and informal education in the career development process.

Exploring Occupational Clusters

Exploring Occupational Clusters


Students will recognize the variety of careers available in each occupational cluster.
Students will recognize that many of these careers require or benefit from a background in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
Students will make personal connections between their interests and current skills to the people profiled.

Diverse group of healthcare workers

So you’re interested in a career in healthcare?


Students will explore the many career pathways associated with a career in healthcare.

Cartoon person pulling bag from phone

Virtual Career Fairs for the Science Classroom


Students conduct a virtual exploration of careers and career pathways with connections to science.

Text file on computer

Virtual Career Fairs for the English Language Arts Classroom


Students conduct a virtual exploration of careers and career pathways with connections to English Language Arts.

Musician on stage

Virtual Career Fairs for the Arts Classroom


Students conduct a virtual exploration of careers and career pathways in the field of the arts (drama, dance, music, visual arts, graphic arts).

Celebrity talk show

Career Talk Show


Students will research a career (or career sector) and role-play being a person in that career being interviewed by a talk show host.