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Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography

Girl reading an adventure book

Girl reading an adventure book (nadia_bormotova, iStockphoto)

Girl reading an adventure book

Girl reading an adventure book (nadia_bormotova, iStockphoto)

Let's Talk Science

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Curriculum Alignment

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Students reflect upon the influences on their career path journeys to date and summarize these in an autobiographical poem or Powerpoint presentation.


  • Students will reflect upon their interests, hobbies and other things that are important when making career decisions
  • Students will spend time thinking about the most important events, experiences, and/or people who have influenced them and their career path journeys up until the present and recognize the importance of these experiences in their career development

Setting the Stage

Career development is a lifelong process and is one that evolves as individuals change and progress through their life. During a person’s working lifetime many things will influence their choice of careers. It is important to take note of the things that motivate and speak to us when looking at our own career development. 

Materials & Preparation

  • Access to a computer with document creation software (e.g., MS Word, Google doc, PowerPoint, Google Slides)
  • Download the Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography Reproducible [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF] - provide as a paper or e-copy, 1 per student
  • Download the Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography Exit Slip Reproducible [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF] - provide as a paper or e-copy, 1 per student.

What To Do

  • Teachers should remind students that career development is a lifelong experience. It is a process that begins from very early on and will continue throughout their lives. Students will engage in one of the two “Choose Your Own Adventure” activities:
    • Option 1: Poem
    • Students will use the template found on the Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography Reproducible to help them write a short poem about themselves.
    • Option 2: Slide Show
    • Students will use the template found on the Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography Reproducible to create a short slide show presentation that includes information such as their hobbies, occupational considerations and their views on the world in which they live.
  • After students have completed the Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography activity, the teacher could provide students with the opportunity to share the work they created with the rest of the class.

Let’s Talk Science appreciates the work and contributions of Jacintha Antonio, University of Manitoba in the development of this lesson.

  • Teachers can collect students’ completed poems and slide shows to review and provide feedback.
  • Teachers can provide the Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography Exit Slip Reproducible for students to complete. 


  • Teachers can collect students’ completed poems and slide shows to review and provide feedback.
  • Teachers can provide the Choose Your Own Adventure Autobiography Exit Slip Reproducible for students to complete. 
