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About Career Resources


At Let’s Talk Science we know that career exploration is a lifelong process that begins at a young age in school and continues into your working life and for some, into retirement. The careers resources on our site provide educators – STEM teachers, subject teachers, Career teachers, and Guidance counsellors – with the tools to help them take students from their initial thinking about careers - what subjects they like, the type of post-secondary education they are interested in, the general career sectors they may be interested in – to a deeper understanding of the variety of careers available and how STEM skills, previous training, on-the-job education opportunities, personal interests, and a lifelong-learning philosophy, advance and expand one’s career prospects.

Educator Resources

To support the implementation of the career resources, we have developed educator resources, or lesson ideas, that will engage youth and help them think deeply about their futures. While these lessons address the curriculum strands and topics of most Canadian career development courses, STEM teachers can also use them to familiarize students with careers related to the topics they are studying.

Each lesson offers a background perspective of the topic being addressed, teaching suggestions for using Let’s Talk Science resources in the classroom, and printable support materials to help focus students on the intended task. While each lesson targets a specific aspect of career development, each lesson contains learning strategies to encourage deep learning as well as to develop skills involving communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration. 

Our resources are organized by the main curriculum strands and topics found in career courses across the country. As such, you may opt to take a mix-and-match approach to use these materials to supplement your own resources and strategies. The resources listed under the “Teacher” column contain some suggestions for using the resource in class as well as some background information related to the activity/resource. The resources listed under “Students” include the ready-to-use versions (.pdf) and teacher-editable versions (.doc). 
