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Exploring Motivational Factors

Exploring Motivational Factors

Exploring Motivational Factors (wildpixel, iStockphoto)

Exploring Motivational Factors

Exploring Motivational Factors (wildpixel, iStockphoto)

Let's Talk Science
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Curriculum Alignment

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Students will explore motivational factors that influence a person’s career on a daily basis.
Students will recognize motivational factors that are similar to their own.
Student will identify the factors that motivate or are important to them as they explore or plan for future career opportunities.

Setting the Stage

When you care about the work you do, you will be able to work harder and better. The things that motivate us in our work help us feel satisfied with the work we do. What motivates one person may not motivate another to the same degree (or at all!). However there are some common motivational factors: being appreciated for a job well done, having responsibility, doing fulfilling work, learning new skills, advancement, and personal/professional growth or achievement. Knowing what motivates them will help students identify compatible career opportunities to explore.

Material & Preparation

  • This activity should be completed after students have completed a motivational inventory and have discussed the role of motivation from a career development perspective.
  • Get Motivated! reproducible [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF] - 1 per student

What to Do

Teachers should direct students to Let’s Talk Science careers resource. Students will then select two career profiles from a sector or area in which they are interested. Alternatively, teachers could compile a selection of specific profiles for students to use. 

After reviewing their selected profiles, students will use the Get Motivated! Reproducible to identify the motivational factors that are important to these individuals and will consider their own motivational factors in relation to these individuals. 

Teachers could conclude by reviewing the ways in which each of the 5 motivational factors listed in the Reproducible can impact one’s work life and why these may differ from one person to the next. Students could share which of the 5 motivational factors are of most/least importance to them.

Teachers could collect and review the Get Motivated! Reproducible to provide direct feedback to students.

Sample student answers using Doug Warren’s career profile.

Motivation Factor Profile #1
Name: Doug Warren
Profile #2

Professional Engineer, Engineering
and Construction Manager

Working Conditions

Working within a start-up plant responsible for worker safety and maintaining environmental guidelines


Helped others achieve their personal goals and maintain a balanced lifestyle


Personal / Community Involvement

Flying, exercising, volunteer blood donor, volunteers at amusement park  
Independence on the Job

Worked independently and as part of project team



Assessment and Sample Student Response

Teachers could collect and review the Get Motivated! Reproducible to provide direct feedback to students.

Sample student answers using Doug Warren’s career profile.

Motivation Factor Profile #1
Name: Doug Warren
Profile #2

Professional Engineer, Engineering
and Construction Manager

Working Conditions

Working within a start-up plant responsible for worker safety and maintaining environmental guidelines


Helped others achieve their personal goals and maintain a balanced lifestyle


Personal / Community Involvement

Flying, exercising, volunteer blood donor, volunteers at amusement park  
Independence on the Job

Worked independently and as part of project team


