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Career Development

Julia stands in a field against the backdrop of green foliage and bright blue skies. She is wearing a blue Let's Talk Science t-shirt, with her brown hair falling over her shoulders as she smiles at the camera.

A Step Up: How Volunteering with Let's Talk Science helped Julia Wakulewicz find her Career

News and Media Releases


April 23, 2024

“When you’re delivering workshops to kids, you have to be quick on your feet and be creative... These skills were definitely helpful for entering the workforce during Covid.
Illustration of the Earth

Summer Symposium Series: Climate Career Resources


A career focused on climate change and sustainability would let you help people by working to help solve the biggest problems of our time.

Student going over materials and plans

Summer Symposium Series: Engineering Career Resources


A career in engineering would let you help people through designing and implementing the things they use in their daily lives.

Celebrity talk show

Career Talk Show


Students will research a career (or career sector) and role-play being a person in that career being interviewed by a talk show host.

Electrical engineers at work

Engineering a Future Career


Students explore the different branches of engineering and discover the similarities and differences between them.

Student presenting to peers

Demonstrating Skills in Technological Careers


Students will learn and demonstrate skills required in a career of interest.

Boot on a shovel

Is This For Me? Reflecting On Occupational Fit


Students engage in self-reflection as they consider occupational fit and how various career options align with their personal strengths and preferences.

Ethical hacker

Careers of the Future


Students will learn about potential careers of the future and create their own job description.

Scientist testing water samples

Careers in the Great Outdoors


Students explore careers related to outdoors and the land and then design and build a water filter prototype.

Help wanted sign

Help Wanted: STEM Career


Students will produce a Help Wanted Ad that lists the skills, personality attributes and job conditions for a specific career/job title. 

Confident STEM student

STEM Skills and Self-Exploration


Students learn how the STEM skills that they develop in class apply to future career options. 

Stethoscope on globe

STEAM Jobs Around the World


Students will develop critical thinking skills as they investigate STEAM careers locally and internationally.

Astronomer technician in observatory

Careers in Physics


Students explore careers in the area of physics and relate their science classroom learning to specific careers.

Fashion entrepreneur wearing headscarf

Global Competency Skills Inventory


Students will take inventory of their Global Competency skills, reflect on their strengths, and set next steps for mastery of these skills.

Young woman speaking in sign language

Communication is Key


Through hands-on activities, students will distinguish how social and work situations require both verbal and non-verbal means of communication.