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Global Competency Skills Inventory

Fashion entrepreneur wearing headscarf

Fashion entrepreneur (Lise Gagne, iStockphoto)

Fashion entrepreneur wearing headscarf

Fashion entrepreneur (Lise Gagne, iStockphoto)

Laura Ball

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Students will take inventory of their Global Competency skills, reflect on their strengths, and set next steps for mastery of these skills.


  • Students will take an inventory of their Global Competency skills
  • Students will reflect on their strengths, and set next steps for mastery of these skills
  • Students will explore jobs that correlate with certain Global Competencies
Specific Expectations for Ontario

Grade 10 Career Studies (GLC20)

B1.2 explain how transferable skills are developed through school, extracurricular, and/or community experiences, and analyse how they contribute to a person’s readiness for future educational, life, and work opportunities and to their career development

B1.3 reflect on how the transferable skills they have developed so far have aided them in their learning and in life, and identify the skills that they may need to develop further

B2.1 investigate their own interests, values, skills (including transferable skills), strengths, and areas that require further development, documenting their insights in a personal profile

Setting the Stage

A goal of modern education is to help prepare students for their futures. While we can not predict the future, we know it will be complex and unpredictable. Students need the skills to deal with rapidly changing social, cultural, political events and situations. There will also be major technological, economic and ecological changes which will impact their personal and work lives. . The skills to address these events are known as global competencies. 

As stated by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, “Global competencies are overarching sets of attitudes, skills, and knowledge that can be interdependent, interdisciplinary, and leveraged in a variety of situations both locally and globally. The six pan-Canadian global competencies can be developed over time and they equip learners with the ability to meet the shifting and ongoing demands of life, work and learning, to be active and responsive in their communities, to understand diverse perspectives, and to act on issues of global significance.”

Materials & Preparation

  • Computers or tablets with internet access (1 per pair or small group)
  • Pan-Canadian Global Competencies Backgrounder [PDF]
  • Global Competencies Inventory Reproducible [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF] - provide as a paper or e-copy, 1 per student.
  • Careers & Global Competencies Reproducible [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF] - provide as a paper or e-copy, 1 per group.
  • Global Competencies Reflection Reproducible [Google doc] [Word doc] [PDF] - provide as a paper or e-copy, 1 per group.

What To Do


Pan-Canadian Global Competencies
Image outlining the six pan-Canadian Global Competencies ©2020 Let’s Talk Science).
  • Teachers could begin by presenting the Pan-Canadian Global Competencies Backgrounder to students, going through the definition of each competency, and taking questions where necessary. Teachers may provide examples of these competencies in practice, e.g.,
    • Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship - Identify a need at your school or community, and put together a campaign or movement to assist in supporting or eliminating that need. 
  • Teachers could also ask students to share their own examples.

  • After they have discussed and clarified their understanding of these global competencies, teachers could have students complete their own personal Global Competencies Inventory. 

  • Teachers should review the scoring method with students, providing an example to assist in any math-related questions.

  • Teachers could arrange students into pairs or small groups. Using the Careers & Global Competencies reproducible, students could brainstorm careers that correspond with or make use of each competency. This could be followed up with a whole group sharing and discussion session.

  • Teachers could then direct students to the Let’s Talk Science careers resource website. Here they are to explore 3-5 careers that they have not previously explored. This task is aligned with the final question on their reflection Global Competencies Reflection reproducible. Teachers could suggest students try to make connections between these careers and the competencies they have discussed.

  • Teachers could have students complete the Global Competencies Reflection reproducible. Teachers could review these reflections and provide feedback.

  • To conclude this lesson, teachers can help to facilitate a reflective discussion, based on their new learning.

Let’s Talk Science appreciates the work and contributions of Laura Ball from the Peel District School Board in the development of this lesson.

  • Through the reflective discussion at the conclusion of the lesson, teachers can engage with Assessment As Learning practices to assist students in their self-assessments, and progress in their goal-setting throughout the course.
  • Students will also self-assess by filling out the reflection sheet attached to the Global Competencies Inventory.

Transferable skills

This program planning document from the Ontario Government, includes information about program planning using seven Global Competencies (six seen in this lesson + Digital Literacy).

21st Century Global Competencies through Indigenous Perspectives (2019)

This document from the Lakehead Public School Board in Ontario explores Global Competencies through Indigenous Perspectives.


  • Through the reflective discussion at the conclusion of the lesson, teachers can engage with Assessment As Learning practices to assist students in their self-assessments, and progress in their goal-setting throughout the course.
  • Students will also self-assess by filling out the reflection sheet attached to the Global Competencies Inventory.

Additional Resources

Transferable skills

This program planning document from the Ontario Government, includes information about program planning using seven Global Competencies (six seen in this lesson + Digital Literacy).

21st Century Global Competencies through Indigenous Perspectives (2019)

This document from the Lakehead Public School Board in Ontario explores Global Competencies through Indigenous Perspectives.
