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Big Idea: Career-life choices are made in a recurring cycle of planning, reflecting, adapting, and deciding.

Genny Marcoux debout devant un fond de fleurs artificielles roses et blanches de taille humaine.

Genny Marcoux

Career Profiles

Infrastructure and Security Manager

I manage a team of experts that create a secure environment for our course developers to build virtual computers that our customers used to learn about the products we sell and to learn more about cybersecurity and how to stay secure online.
Mark Derikx devant une usine de fabrication de produits chimiques.

Mark Derikx

Career Profiles

Environmental Health Safety Quality Manager

I help make sure our chemical plant is following legal operating requirements for employee and community safety.
portait par Mark Simmonds

Mark Simmonds

Career Profiles

Marine Surveyor

I survey all different types of ships to make sure they are safe to operate.
Heinz Plaumann leading a training session

Heinz Plaumann (he/him)

Career Profiles

Co-founder and CEO

I run a business that offers career, life coaching and training to a wide age range of people.
portrait de Sarah Eaton

Sarah Jane Eaton

Career Profiles


I lead a team that is responsible for licensing small modular reactors.
Marty Larabie

Marty Larabie (he/him)

Career Profiles

Radiation Inspector

I perform radiation safety inspections of persons who use nuclear material.
portrait de Rhiannon Cooper

Rhiannon Cooper (she/her)

Career Profiles


I monitor the patterns and trends of infectious diseases across the province.
Le Dr Harpreet Kochhar devant un ordinateur dans son bureau.

Dr. Harpreet Kochhar

Career Profiles

President, Public Health Agency of Canada

I am the head of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).
Portrait de Corie Houldsworth

Corie Houldsworth

Career Profiles


I perform inspections of worksites where radiation is used, stored or transported.
Michelle Henry

Michelle Henry

Non-Destructive Testing Technician

I inspect metal parts on nuclear reactors to make sure they are in good working order.
Annie Martin at work

Annie Martin

Career Profiles

Portfolio Manager for the Health Beyond Initiative

I coordinate the different activities of our initiative, do strategic planning to define its vision and objectives and collaborate with other international space agencies.
Julie Leblanc

Julie Leblanc (she/her)

Women in STEM Special Advisor

My work is to support girls and women to pursue and education and careers in STEM.
Daniela Torelli dans un atelier de soudure.

Daniela Torelli

Welding Instructor

I teach the next generation of welders.
Farah Qaiser

Farah Qaiser

Director Of Research and Policy

I carry out research and lead policy efforts to improve the government’s use of science and evidence when making decisions.
Illustration of the Earth

Summer Symposium Series: Climate Career Resources


A career focused on climate change and sustainability would let you help people by working to help solve the biggest problems of our time.