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The Earth and Space: Astronomical processes

Condensation on a window pane

Humidity on Earth and on the Space Station


Humidity is an important part of life on Earth and life in space. This backgrounder explains what humidity is, how it is measured and how it affects us both mentally and physically.

Daedulus crater on the Moon

Impact Craters


Learn about how craters are formed and about some of Canada's impact craters.

Canadian pilot

From Sky to Space

STEM Explained

Canadian astronauts Jeremy Hansen and David Saint-Jacques explain how learning to fly an aircraft prepared them for the challenges of living in space.


Where Can We Find Asteroids and Comets?


This backgrounder explains the difference between planets, dwarf planets and small solar system bodies, such as asteroids and comets.

Sylvain Laporte

Sylvain Laporte

Career Profiles

President (2015 - 2020)

Sylvain Laporte is the President at the Canadian Space Agency.
Margarita Marinova | Ingénieure principale de développement, SpaceX

Margarita Marinova

Career Profiles

SR. Mars Development Engineer

Margarita Marinova is a SR. Mars Development Engineer for Spacex.
Jan Cami | Astrophysicien

Jan Cami

Career Profiles

Associate Professor, Astronomy

Jan Cami is an associate professor of Astronomy at the University of Western Ontario.
Franz Newland | Assistant Lecturer, Space Engineering

Franz Newland

Career Profiles

Assistant Lecturer

Franz Newland is an assistant lecturer for Space Engineering at York University.
Robert Thirsk | Ancien astronaute de l’Agence spatiale canadienne

Robert Thirsk

Career Profiles

Former CSA Astronaut

Robert Thirsk is a Former CSA Astronaut.
Phillip Craig | Manipulateur d'artefacts

Phillip Craig

Career Profiles

Artifact Handler

Phillip Craig is an Artifact Handler for the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation.