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Living World

Daniel Meister headshot

Daniel Meister

Career Profiles

Master's Student, Kinesiology

Hand reaching up through numbers

Overcoming Math Anxiety with Confidence


Learn about math anxiety, including what it is, why it happens, and how you can overcome it.

L. Creighton Avery

L. Creighton Avery (she/her)

Career Profiles


I examine human skeletal remains from archaeological sites to learn about their lives.
Beijing National Olympic Stadium

Go for the Gold with STEM

STEM Explained

Learn about how STEM powers the Winter Olympics.

Human lungs with scientists inside

Just Breathe: Lungs and Asthma


Learn about asthma and what scientists are doing to study it.

Medical equipment used to check homeostasis

Introduction to Homeostasis and Regulation


Learn about homeostasis and how the body regulates temperature, blood pressure, blood pH and blood sugar.

3D rendering of the human digestive system

How Animals Digest Their Food


Learn about how different animals digest their foods and the organs of their digestive systems.

3D Illustration of human lungs

Respiratory System in Vertebrate Animals


Learn about how different animals breathe, from fish to humans.

Anatomical images of different animals

Musculoskeletal Systems in the Animal Kingdom


Learn how animals move themselves with the help of their muscles and skeletons.

 Physiotherapist helping a patient to walk



3D illustration of a human brain

Resources on Brains

STEM Explained

Resource page including articles, videos, and career profiles related to brains.

Timothy Burkhart

Query a Career Profile


Students will explore career profiles and relate them to what they are learning in science class.

X-ray image of head in hands

Stress and the Brain


Stress is more than a feeling. Understanding the importance of stress can help you to manage it. It can even lead to an improvement in your mood and how you think!

Do you see a face in that electric socket? (michaeljmc, iStockPhoto)

Facial Recognition and the Brain

STEM Explained

Learn how your brain recognizes faces and why you sometimes see them in places they don’t exist!

Human organs for transplantation

Organ Transplantation


Learn about organ transplantation - what it is, how it can save lives, how your immune system responds, and how the matching process works.