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Computer Science

Blair Gosselin | Ingénieur clientèle, Google

Blair Gosselin

Career Profiles

Customer Engineer

Blair Gosselin is a customer engineer at Google in Ontario.
Jeffrey Cowen | Pompier

Jeffrey Cowen

Career Profiles

Firefighter, City of Sarnia

Jeffrey Cowen is a firefighter for the city of Sarnia, Ontario.
Almond Au | Ingénieur client chez Google

Almond Au

Career Profiles

Customer Engineer

Almond Au is a customer engineer who solves complex problems with Google.
Eric Addison | Ingénieur en logiciels, Google

Eric Addison

Career Profiles

Software Engineer

Eric Addison is a software engineer at Google in Washington, USA.
Amelia Antrim | Ingénieure logiciel pour Google

Amelia Antrim

Career Profiles

Software Engineering

Amelia Antrim is a software engineer at Google, with a focus on system design and production process.
Kristina Elkhazin | Responsable de l’industrie de la vente au détail, Google Canada

Kristina Elkhazin

Career Profiles

Head of Industry for Retail

Kristina Elkhazin is the Head of Industry for Retail at Google.
Nicole Sokira | Spécialiste en intégrité des marchés

Nicole Sokira

Career Profiles

Market Integrity Specialist

Nicole Sokira is a Market Integrity Specialist for SAP.
Ronald Boodram | Ingénieur informatique

Ronald Boodram

Career Profiles

Computer Engineer

Ronald Boodram is a Computer Engineer at Google in Ontario.
Ethan Ma | Ingénieur en vision artificielle

Ethan Ma

Career Profiles

Machine Vision Engineer

Ethan Ma is a machine vision engineer for Taymer International.
Christopher Town |Christopher Towns | Conseiller-cadre en stratégie chez SAP

Christopher Towns

Career Profiles

Executive Strategy Advisor

Christopher Towns is an executive strategy advisor at SAP.
Elie Harfouche | Software Engineering Student and Game Developer

Elie Harfouche

Career Profiles

Software Engineering Student and Game Developer

Ellie Harfouche is a software engineering student and game developer.
Amel Badaoui | Experte en infonuagique

Amel Badaoui

Career Profiles

Cloud Expert

Amel Badoui is a cloud expert (Cloud IT Technology) at SAP Hybris.
Laynie Perry | Conceptrice de contenu

Laynie Perry

Career Profiles

Content Designer

Laynie Perry is the Content Designer for Moncur Associates Branding Agency.
Ella Harvey | gestionnaire de données chez OLD (Barcode of Life Data System).

Ella Harvey

Career Profiles

Data Manager

Ella Harvey is a data manager at BOLD (Barcode of Life Data System).
Sylvain Laporte

Sylvain Laporte

Career Profiles

President (2015 - 2020)

Sylvain Laporte is the President at the Canadian Space Agency.