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Career Profiles

Brendan MacDougall | Ingénieur en forage

Brendan MacDougall

Career Profiles

Completions Engineer

Brendan MacDougall is a completions engineer in Alberta.
Shane Chambers | Instructeur de pilotes et d’équipes au sol/Coordonnateur de personnel de piste

Shane Chambers

Career Profiles

Pilot and Ground Instructor/Ground Crew Coordinator

Shane Chambers is a Pilot and Ground Instructor/Ground Crew Coordinator for Great Lakes Helicopter.
Franz Newland | Assistant Lecturer, Space Engineering

Franz Newland

Career Profiles

Assistant Lecturer

Franz Newland is an assistant lecturer for Space Engineering at York University.
Bryan Wilson | Directeur général, North American Palladium, Lac Des Iles Mine

Bryan Wilson

Career Profiles

General Manager

Bryan Wilson is the general manager at North American Palladium.
Larisa Morier | Monsanto Canada

Larisa Morier

Career Profiles

Technology Development Data Manager

Larisa Morier is a Technology Development Data Manager for Monsanto Canada.
Kaleigh Gray | Associée de recherche/technicienne en sécurité chez Monsanto Canada

Kaleigh Gray

Career Profiles

Research Associate/Safety Technician

Kaleigh Gray is a Research Associate/Safety Technician for Monsanto Canada.
Ethan Martin | Soudeur en tuyauterie

Ethan Martin

Career Profiles


Ethan Martin is a welder who studied at the Technical Trades Academy.
Kathy Deuchars | Ontario Genomics

Kathy Deuchars

Career Profiles

Senior Manager

Kathy Deuchars is the Senior Manager of Business Development and Research, Ontario Genomics
Marc Fiume | PDG de DNAstack

Marc Fiume

Career Profiles


Marc Fiume is the CEO of DNAstack, a software that manages genomic data.
Adam Walsh | Journaliste de la CBC , Tokyo Japan

Adam Walsh

Career Profiles


Adan Walsh is a journalist who writes, gathers, and edits news stories for CBC.
Michael Greene | Gestionnaire de secteur, Garde côtière canadienne

Michael Greene

Career Profiles

Area Manager

Michael Greene is the Area Manager for the Electronics and Informatic Systems branch of the Canadian Coast Guard.
Richard Johnstone | Instructeur en aérospatiale

Richard Johnstone

Career Profiles

Aerospace Instructor

Richard Johnstone is an Aerospace Instructor at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).
Ethan Martin - Soudeur

Ethan Martin (Video)


Ethan Martin is a Welder, currently practicing in Ontario.
Jackie Frampton | Électricienne en construction

Jackie Frampton

Career Profiles

Construction Electrician

Jackie Frampton is a construction electrician in Newfoundland.
Shelley Sandiford | Fondatrice, Sciconic Science Media

Shelley Sandiford

Career Profiles


Shelley Sandiford is the Founder of Sciconic Science Media.