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Shelley Sandiford


Sciconic Science Media

Created On: February 2, 2016
Education Pathway: University
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Learn About My Career

Shelley Sandiford is the Founder of Sciconic Science Media.

I was born/grew up in: Winnipeg, MB, Canada

I now live in: Ottawa, ON, Canada

I completed my training/education at: University of Waterloo

I am a science communicator. I work with other businesses, organizations, and scientists. I help them explain complicated concepts to their audience.

My work has a lot of variety to it. This is one of the reasons why I love it. I create art and animations. Some days, I’m reading and researching. Some days, I’m writing scripts. Others, I spend recording my voice. Other days, I create artwork and animations.

Everything I need is on my computer. I use special software to create art (Adobe Illustrator) and animate (Adobe After Effects).

My problem solving involves researching and creating a script that’s as short as possible. At the same time, I make sure it gets the message or information across. That’s the tough part!

Most of my decisions involve the editing process. Writing scripts is very challenging. While most people don’t think so, the script is the most important part of the animation process. I usually work very closely with clients to get the length and contents of the script to a point where the message is clear and everyone’s happy.

I have a science background in Exercise Science and Molecular Biology. Sometimes the topics I work on are new to me. My background helps me to understand this new subject matter. I understand the complicated words and jargon that scientists sometimes use. Being able to understand what a scientist is trying to say is probably easier for me than for a lot of people.

I have a PhD in Exercise Science and, afterwards, I worked in as a scientist in Molecular and Cellular Biology.

When I decided to combine art with my science background, I took an online course to learn how to create 3D art as well as a night class on entrepreneurship. Other than that, I consider myself largely self-taught with my art since I have no formal art training.

Never in a million years did I set out to do what I do today! When I decided I wanted to move away from academia, I challenged myself to try a career that I’d really enjoy and be able to make a living at.

My biggest challenge right now is that most of the interest in my business is coming from outside science all together. I’m trying harder to target the kinds of people I’d ultimately like to be working with.

Mostly, I enjoy being able to combine my two passions, art and science. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to give entrepreneurship a shot at this point in my life.

I feel like a crusader at times. I’ve sort of made it my mission to help counteract all the misinformation out there (because there’s a lot of it). I’m motivated by getting the truth out, shedding light on the scientific process, and by helping scientists get their stories into the public eye. For me, the most enjoyable part is wrapping my head around the shear reach my company (and others like it) might have someday.

Mostly, I enjoy being able to combine my two passions, art and science. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to give entrepreneurship a shot at this point in my life.

My mission has always been to get information into the hands of those who need most to hear it. There’s a lot of garbage on the internet today, and I believe scientists need a louder voice. If there’s anything I can do to help them get their messages out, I’m happy to do that.

I relax by spending time with my husband and our six year old daughter. I don’t do as much volunteering these days, but we used to be heavily involved in greyhound rescue. Best dogs ever! Physically, I’m a competitive powerlifter. Training also helps me relieve some stress.

Don’t ever be afraid to fail at something! Failure is how you learn and how you grow, so always be challenging yourself.

What I do at work

I am a science communicator. I work with other businesses, organizations, and scientists. I help them explain complicated concepts to their audience.

My work has a lot of variety to it. This is one of the reasons why I love it. I create art and animations. Some days, I’m reading and researching. Some days, I’m writing scripts. Others, I spend recording my voice. Other days, I create artwork and animations.

Everything I need is on my computer. I use special software to create art (Adobe Illustrator) and animate (Adobe After Effects).

My problem solving involves researching and creating a script that’s as short as possible. At the same time, I make sure it gets the message or information across. That’s the tough part!

Most of my decisions involve the editing process. Writing scripts is very challenging. While most people don’t think so, the script is the most important part of the animation process. I usually work very closely with clients to get the length and contents of the script to a point where the message is clear and everyone’s happy.

I have a science background in Exercise Science and Molecular Biology. Sometimes the topics I work on are new to me. My background helps me to understand this new subject matter. I understand the complicated words and jargon that scientists sometimes use. Being able to understand what a scientist is trying to say is probably easier for me than for a lot of people.

My career path is

I have a PhD in Exercise Science and, afterwards, I worked in as a scientist in Molecular and Cellular Biology.

When I decided to combine art with my science background, I took an online course to learn how to create 3D art as well as a night class on entrepreneurship. Other than that, I consider myself largely self-taught with my art since I have no formal art training.

Never in a million years did I set out to do what I do today! When I decided I wanted to move away from academia, I challenged myself to try a career that I’d really enjoy and be able to make a living at.

My biggest challenge right now is that most of the interest in my business is coming from outside science all together. I’m trying harder to target the kinds of people I’d ultimately like to be working with.

Mostly, I enjoy being able to combine my two passions, art and science. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to give entrepreneurship a shot at this point in my life.

I am motivated by

I feel like a crusader at times. I’ve sort of made it my mission to help counteract all the misinformation out there (because there’s a lot of it). I’m motivated by getting the truth out, shedding light on the scientific process, and by helping scientists get their stories into the public eye. For me, the most enjoyable part is wrapping my head around the shear reach my company (and others like it) might have someday.

Mostly, I enjoy being able to combine my two passions, art and science. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to give entrepreneurship a shot at this point in my life.

How I affect peoples’ lives

My mission has always been to get information into the hands of those who need most to hear it. There’s a lot of garbage on the internet today, and I believe scientists need a louder voice. If there’s anything I can do to help them get their messages out, I’m happy to do that.

Outside of work I

I relax by spending time with my husband and our six year old daughter. I don’t do as much volunteering these days, but we used to be heavily involved in greyhound rescue. Best dogs ever! Physically, I’m a competitive powerlifter. Training also helps me relieve some stress.

My advice to others

Don’t ever be afraid to fail at something! Failure is how you learn and how you grow, so always be challenging yourself.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Art
  • Foods and Nutrition
  • Physical Education/Health
  • Science

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Enjoyed doing things on my own
  • Liked helping people
  • Played on a sports team
  • Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Was really creative
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