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Brianna Lummerding à genoux près d’un cerceau en plastique collectant des échantillons dans un champ herbeux.

Brianna Lummerding using a vegetation sampling hoop to collect plant samples.

Brianna Lummerding

Agronomic Innovation Manager


Learn About My Career

I look after all things related to soil management for a group of retailers.

I was born/grew up in: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 

I now live in: Clavet, Saskatchewan.

I completed my training/education at: I completed a BSc in Agribusiness at the University of Saskatchewan. I did not formally study agronomy. I had a lot of summer employment where I worked in agronomy. I also have my Certified Crop Advisor certification.

I work at Nutrien Ag Solutions. My team is very large and has people who have expertise in different things related to soil management (agronomy). Some members are specialists in seeds. Others are very knowledgeable about chemicals used in soil management. Others are experts in developing fertilizers. I’m also part of our Agronomic Innovation Management (AIM) team that covers western Canada. I’m also the lead AIM person for the North Central SK group of retail providers.

I oversee everything related to soil management (agronomy) for 15 retail stores and their customers. I provide agronomic training to staff as well as product support. I help them be the very best so they can provide the very best service and advice to growers.

Our job is to be the experts on everything growers need to make their farm successful. This includes understanding the science behind herbicides and fertilizers. We use our knowledge of fertilizers to find the best products and applications for farmers that will maximize yields. Herbicides that are sprayed on fields each year require careful consideration. Each one is limited to certain crops during certain application periods. Understanding how these chemicals work within the plants is important to making sure we keep the crop healthy. It also helps us help farmers deal with the pests that can hurt yields.

Seed is very important to Nutrien's business. We also work with another team that creates new varieties of seeds. We test these upcoming varieties in large scale field trials. We also support all seed business throughout the year including canola, cereals, corn, soybeans, and forages.

Most of our work has a science background. Math is required when we make calculations related to fertilizers, seeds, or chemicals to use. For example, we need to calculate the seeding rate. This is the number of seeds of a crop that is required to sow an area of land for the best crop production. We calculate how much fertilizer or herbicide is needed to cover a certain area of land.

Our problem-solving opportunities are endless. This is because we face new challenges each year as the weather and soil conditions change. You have to be on your toes! It is very rewarding when we can work as a team to help the growers succeed and feed the world.

I grew up in both rural and urban areas. I spent weekends and summers at our family grain farm in Central Butte, SK. Although I was exposed to agriculture at a young age, I did not plan to work in this area. I was not sure what I wanted to do. When I graduated high school, I started out studying business at the University of Saskatchewan. After my first year, I changed into AgBusiness in the College of Agriculture. I took on my first summer job in agriculture in large plot canola research and did not look back.

I did not plan to study agronomy (soil management). I thought I would be more on the business side. So, I focused on math and economics. After I graduated university, I worked for a few years in a sales-based role. It was then that I realized that my heart was in agronomy. I also realized that I needed to take a deeper dive into the related science. I had to learn a lot of stuff that I did not learn in university.

To do this, I took different roles related to agronomy and asked lots of questions. I was doing hands on learning! It took a lot of time. It took a lot of questions. I did not let any obstacles get in my way! Along the way, I completed my Certified Crop Advisor certification. This allowed me to have my Professional Agrologist designation. I may not be formally trained in agronomic sciences, but I did not stop learning after university. Today, continuous learning and asking questions is part of my job. I have been in this role with Nutrien for almost 8 years. I cannot imagine myself anywhere else!


What gets me excited at work is being able to work with all my team members at Nutrien Ag Solutions to help growers achieve their goals. The agriculture industry is continually changing. We always have to adapt and learn. This is very exciting! I enjoy getting my hands dirty in the field each year. I also like the feeling that my knowledge is helping feed the world. It’s rewarding to see the people who sell our products have success and build strong relationships with their growers. I never like to sit still and love to learn. This makes this job perfect for me!

Helping growers succeed each year by providing agronomic (soil management) advice is very fulfilling. I also enjoy that I am supporting our retail business to succeed too. Farming is a challenging business! There are many factors that keep changing each year. Creating relationships where we can use our science and math skills to help growers makes you feel very good. This career matters because it’s our advice and knowledge that helps the growers make the right decisions. This helps them get the best yields each year.

I have two children and two very active dogs. This keeps me very busy! We spend a lot of time outside. We enjoy getting to the lake in the summer and snowmobiling in the winter.

If you are interested in the business of agriculture, take any summer job opportunity you can related to agriculture. It does not have to be a job in what you are planning to do. Use it as a steppingstone. Learn all aspects of this business so you can be well rounded in knowledge!

What I do at work

I work at Nutrien Ag Solutions. My team is very large and has people who have expertise in different things related to soil management (agronomy). Some members are specialists in seeds. Others are very knowledgeable about chemicals used in soil management. Others are experts in developing fertilizers. I’m also part of our Agronomic Innovation Management (AIM) team that covers western Canada. I’m also the lead AIM person for the North Central SK group of retail providers.

I oversee everything related to soil management (agronomy) for 15 retail stores and their customers. I provide agronomic training to staff as well as product support. I help them be the very best so they can provide the very best service and advice to growers.

Our job is to be the experts on everything growers need to make their farm successful. This includes understanding the science behind herbicides and fertilizers. We use our knowledge of fertilizers to find the best products and applications for farmers that will maximize yields. Herbicides that are sprayed on fields each year require careful consideration. Each one is limited to certain crops during certain application periods. Understanding how these chemicals work within the plants is important to making sure we keep the crop healthy. It also helps us help farmers deal with the pests that can hurt yields.

Seed is very important to Nutrien's business. We also work with another team that creates new varieties of seeds. We test these upcoming varieties in large scale field trials. We also support all seed business throughout the year including canola, cereals, corn, soybeans, and forages.

Most of our work has a science background. Math is required when we make calculations related to fertilizers, seeds, or chemicals to use. For example, we need to calculate the seeding rate. This is the number of seeds of a crop that is required to sow an area of land for the best crop production. We calculate how much fertilizer or herbicide is needed to cover a certain area of land.

Our problem-solving opportunities are endless. This is because we face new challenges each year as the weather and soil conditions change. You have to be on your toes! It is very rewarding when we can work as a team to help the growers succeed and feed the world.

My career path is

I grew up in both rural and urban areas. I spent weekends and summers at our family grain farm in Central Butte, SK. Although I was exposed to agriculture at a young age, I did not plan to work in this area. I was not sure what I wanted to do. When I graduated high school, I started out studying business at the University of Saskatchewan. After my first year, I changed into AgBusiness in the College of Agriculture. I took on my first summer job in agriculture in large plot canola research and did not look back.

I did not plan to study agronomy (soil management). I thought I would be more on the business side. So, I focused on math and economics. After I graduated university, I worked for a few years in a sales-based role. It was then that I realized that my heart was in agronomy. I also realized that I needed to take a deeper dive into the related science. I had to learn a lot of stuff that I did not learn in university.

To do this, I took different roles related to agronomy and asked lots of questions. I was doing hands on learning! It took a lot of time. It took a lot of questions. I did not let any obstacles get in my way! Along the way, I completed my Certified Crop Advisor certification. This allowed me to have my Professional Agrologist designation. I may not be formally trained in agronomic sciences, but I did not stop learning after university. Today, continuous learning and asking questions is part of my job. I have been in this role with Nutrien for almost 8 years. I cannot imagine myself anywhere else!


I am motivated by

What gets me excited at work is being able to work with all my team members at Nutrien Ag Solutions to help growers achieve their goals. The agriculture industry is continually changing. We always have to adapt and learn. This is very exciting! I enjoy getting my hands dirty in the field each year. I also like the feeling that my knowledge is helping feed the world. It’s rewarding to see the people who sell our products have success and build strong relationships with their growers. I never like to sit still and love to learn. This makes this job perfect for me!

How I affect peoples’ lives

Helping growers succeed each year by providing agronomic (soil management) advice is very fulfilling. I also enjoy that I am supporting our retail business to succeed too. Farming is a challenging business! There are many factors that keep changing each year. Creating relationships where we can use our science and math skills to help growers makes you feel very good. This career matters because it’s our advice and knowledge that helps the growers make the right decisions. This helps them get the best yields each year.

Outside of work I

I have two children and two very active dogs. This keeps me very busy! We spend a lot of time outside. We enjoy getting to the lake in the summer and snowmobiling in the winter.

My advice to others

If you are interested in the business of agriculture, take any summer job opportunity you can related to agriculture. It does not have to be a job in what you are planning to do. Use it as a steppingstone. Learn all aspects of this business so you can be well rounded in knowledge!

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Math
  • Foods and Nutrition
  • Science
  • Business & Economics

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Brought people together
  • Always wanted to be outside
  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Enjoyed working with my hands
  • Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Was motivated by success
  • Was really creative
  • Felt great satisfaction in getting good grades
  • Wasn't sure what I wanted to do


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Let’s Talk Science appreciates the support of Nutrien in connecting us with this individual.

Nutrien is the world’s largest provider of crop inputs and services, helping to safely and sustainably feed a growing world. We operate a world-class network of production, distribution and retail facilities that positions us to efficiently serve the needs of growers. We focus on creating long-term value for all stakeholders by advancing our key environmental, social and governance priorities.

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    Brianna Lummerding

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