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Unit 2: Career Exploration

Anna Sabucco - Co-founder of sil’s complete auto care and bookkeeper

Anna Sabucco (Video)


Anna Sabucco is the Co-Owner of Sil’s Complete Auto Care.

Mandy Rennehan (Video)

Career Profiles

Blue Collar CEO & Founder

Mandy Rennehan is the Blue-Collar CEO & Founder of Freshco.
Paul Prochilo | CEO, Simplicity Car Care

Paul Prochilo

Career Profiles


Paul Prochilo is the CEO of Simplicity Car Care in Ontario.
Caroline Lacasse | Spécialiste formation et développement organisationnel pour l’industrie automobile

Caroline Lacasse

Career Profiles

Learning and organizational development specialist

Caroline Lacasse is a learning and organizational development specialist for the automotive branch of Upsylon.
Anna Sabucco | Co-founder of sil’s complete auto care and bookkeeper

Anna Sabucco

Career Profiles

Co-founder and Bookkeeper

Anna Sabucco is the co-founder and bookkeeper at Sil's Complete Auto Care.
Dean Simon | Diététiste agréé, consultant privé

Dean Simon

Career Profiles

Registered Dietitican, Private Consultant

Dean Simon is a registered dietician and private consultant.
Darcy Gentleman | Consultant principal, DJG Communications

Darcy Gentleman

Career Profiles

Principal Consultant

Darcy Gentleman is a principal consultant at DJG Communications.
Mandy Rennehan |  PDG col-bleu et fondatrice de Freshco

Mandy Rennehan

Career Profiles

Blue-Collar CEO & Founder

Mandy Rennehan is the Blue-Collar CEO & Founder of Freshco.
Stephanie Welton | Chercheuse indépendante

Stephanie Welton

Independent Researcher

Stephanie Welton is an Independent Researcher, working remotely across Canada.
Mike McDonald | Fondateur-directeur général de Recess Guardians de la Saskatchewan Blue Cross

Mike McDonald

Career Profiles

Founder/Executive Director

Mike McDonald is the Founder/Executive Director of Saskatchewan Blue Cross Recess Guardians.
Valerie Song | Présidente-directrice générale d’ AVA Technologies Inc.

Valerie Song


Valerie Song is the CEO of Ava technologies Inc. in British Columbia.
Alex Gillis | Directeur général, Catalyst

Alex Gillis

Career Profiles

Executive Director

Alex Gillis is an executive director with Catalyst in British Columbia.
Eric Fisher

Eric Fisher

Career Profiles

Founder & CEO

Eric Fisher is the founder and CEO of Labfundr, designed to help scientists make more discoveries.
Kaaren Whitney-Vernon | PDG de shift2

Kaaren Whitney-Vernon

Career Profiles


Kaaren Whitney-Vernon is the CEO of Shift2, a platform created to encourage more video content through story telling.
Erin Marie G. Gonzales | Copropriétaire

Erin Gonzales

Career Profiles


Erin Gonzales is a co-owner of Bread 'N Batter Co. in Ontario.