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Leah Clark debout dans un champ d'agriculture

Leah Clark

Provincial Cattle Specialist

Leah Clark is the Provincial Cattle Specialist for the Government of Saskatchewan.
Photo de Mike Dixon

Mike Dixon

Career Profiles

Professor and Director of CESRF

Mike Dixon is the Professor and Director of CESRF at the University of Guelph.
Chelsey Peutert | Ingénieure en environnement agricole

Chelsey Peutert

Agricultural Environmental Engineer

Chelsey Peutery is an Agricultural Environmental Engineer for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture.
Pamela Livingston | Biologiste de terrain

Pamela Livingston

Field Biologist

Pamela Livingston is a Field Biologist at DuPont Canada.
What makes soil hard and compacted?

What makes soil hard and compacted?

Hands-on Activities

Explore how walking on soil changes how water soaks into the ground and why that matters to gardeners and farmers.

bees on frame held by beekeeper

How are the World's Bee Populations Doing?

STEM Explained

Bees are important for agriculture. But bee populations face threats. This resource looks at Colony Collapse Disorder, herbicides & pesticides, and more.

Measuring Slope Of Soil

Careers: Soil Scientist

Picture Collections

5 images some work that a scientist who studies the Earth's soil might do such as classifying types of soil and measuring the slope of soil

Massive algal bloom

Eutrophication: Why you should care about pond scum

STEM Explained

When fertilizers from agriculture get into lakes and rivers, big problems can result for aquatic ecosystems, food chains & webs!

Feeding The Cows

Careers: Farmer

Picture Collections

5 images of some work that farmers do such as feeding cows, planting fields and harvesting grain


Careers: Horticulturalist

Picture Collections

5 images of some work that horticulturalists might do such as cultivating and caring for plants in various environments

Landscaper Planting

Careers: Landscaper

Picture Collections

5 images of some work that landscapers might do such as planning, planting and maintaining gardens

Warren Bills | Développement numérique des entreprises agricoles

Warren Bills

Digital Farming Business Development

Warren Bills works on Digital Farming Business Development for Bayer Crop Science.
Valerie Song | Présidente-directrice générale d’ AVA Technologies Inc.

Valerie Song


Valerie Song is the CEO of Ava technologies Inc. in British Columbia.
Linda Jewell | Chercheuse scientifique en phytopathologie

Linda Jewell

Career Profiles

Research Scientist in Plant Pathology

Linda Jewell is a Research Scientist in Plant Pathology at St. John’s Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Greta Chiu | Rédactrice technique en agriculture

Greta Chiu

Career Profiles

Agricultural Technical Writer

Greta Chiu is an agricultural technical writer for Kenna Communications.