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Unit 1: Water Systems on Earth's Surface (revised 2012)

Hurricane Katrina as seen from space

Where Do Hurricanes Come From?

STEM Explained

Hurricanes are a kind of tropical cyclone. But where do they come from? And why do they cause so much damage? This article will answer all your storm-related questions!

Why is rain not salty?

Why is rain not salty?

Hands-on Activities

Make a model of the water cycle and find out how water moves around on planet Earth.

A melting world-shaped glacier

What is Ocean Warming and Why Does It Matter?

STEM Explained

Oceans absorb the greatest amount of solar radiation on Earth. Ocean warming can lead to glaciers melting and ocean acidification.

What are the best materials to use for cleaning water?

What are the best materials to use for cleaning water?

Hands-on Activities

Water is a precious natural resource. What happens if it gets polluted? Learn how water can be cleaned with this hands-on activity?

What are the effects of acid rain on rocks?

What are the effects of acid rain on rocks?

Hands-on Activities

Learn about the chemical reaction that happens between acid rain and limestone.

What causes ocean currents?

What causes ocean currents?

Hands-on Activities

Create a model of ocean currents and learn how currents are formed.

Aerial of Gas well Marcellus Shale Formation in northern West Virginia

What is Fracking?

STEM Explained

The fracking process gets natural gases out of rocks. This process can have effects on freshwater, water quality and even earthquakes!

Plastic drinking straws

We Use a Lot of Plastic

STEM Explained

What are microplastics? How are plastics polluting aquatic ecosystems?


The Water Cycle

Picture Collections

1 diagram illustrating the water cycle

Ship in Arctic waters

Reaching the Arctic

STEM Explained

How will arctic ice melt from climate change affect exploration, scientific research and geopolitics?

Magnified image of a ringwoodite crystal

Ringwoodite and the Deep Water Cycle

STEM Explained

The water in the oceans has travelled vast distances. It has even time spent deep below the surface of the Earth, trapped inside the mineral ringwoodite.

various marine microorganisms as they appear under a microscope

Marine Microbiology: Meet the Microbes of the Sea!

STEM Explained

The ocean is full of very small but very useful creatures called microbes. Without them, none of the sea plants or animals you’ve seen would exist!


Invertebrates: Marine

Picture Collections

8 images of some invertebrate animals such as sea anemones, coral and jellyfish that live in a marine environment

Condensation on the window of the Apollo 12 Lunar Module, November 1969

Humidity on Earth and on the ISS


Humidity is an important part of life on Earth and life in space. This backgrounder explains what humidity is, how it is measured and how it affects us both mentally and physically.

Daedulus crater on the Moon

Impact Craters


Learn about how craters are formed and about some of Canada's impact craters.