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Physical Science: Electricity

Thundersnow near a cabin on a hillside

Thundersnow: winter thunderstorms

STEM Explained

When thunder and lightning occur but the main form of precipitation is snow, not rain, it’s called thundersnow.

What uses electricity?

What uses electricity?

Hands-on Activities

Take a tour of different rooms in your home. Which items in each room use electricity? How do you know they use electricity?

City at night with transmission lines

Understanding Electricity Supply and Demand


Electricity demand changes constantly. Suppliers need to generate more electrical energy when demand is high, and less when demand is low.

Telegraph key used in Metcalfe, Ontario telegraph office (Ingenium)

Telegraph Key


The telegraph works by transmitting signals through an electrical circuit. Learn more and print your own telegraph key using this 3d model of a real artefact.

How can I move water with just a comb?

How can I move water with just a comb?

Hands-on Activities

Have you ever experienced static electricity? Like when you pull a wool sweater over your head in the winter? See what else static electricity can do in this hands-on activity.

Bird near a wind farm

How do Wind Farms Affect Birds and Bats?

STEM Explained

Wind energy generates a lot of electricity in Canada. But wind turbines can be dangerous for wildlife.

How does nuclear power work?

Generating Electricity: Nuclear Energy

STEM Explained

Learn how electricity is generated at a nuclear power generating station.

Man being struck by lightning

Do Amps or Volts Kill You?

STEM Explained

This resource explains electricity basics - volts, amps, currents, resistance, and why it is dangerous to touch electrical outlets with wet hands.

Energy-saving light bulbs are a great way to save money at home

Energy Efficiency at Home

STEM Explained

If you understand heat transfer, you can make lots of little changes at home to help the environment and your household’s bank account!

Mitchell Chaulk | Ingénieur informatique et gestionnaire de projet

Mitchell Chaulk

Career Profiles

Computer Engineer and Project Manager

Mitchell Chaulk is a Computer Engineer and Project Manager for Solace Power.
Jackie Frampton | Électricienne en construction

Jackie Frampton

Career Profiles

Construction Electrician

Jackie Frampton is a construction electrician in Newfoundland.
Brian Camenzuli | Vice-président, conception et études techniques, KARIBU Solar Power

Brian Camenzuli

Career Profiles

VP of Design & Engineering

Brian Camenzuli is the VP of design and engineering at KARIBU Solar Power.