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Technological World

Cornfield in Ontario

Let's Talk Food Resources


Discover a set of resources curated to get you ready to discuss sustainable agriculture and food security.

Harvesting plants

Using Plants to Make Medicines


Learn how plants can be used to make vaccines.

A biodiesel filling station

Introduction to Biofuels

STEM Explained

Learn about biofuels and what makes them a promising alternative to fossil fuels.

Illustration of an empty box with a question mark

Let's Talk Misinformation: Resources


Discover a set of resources to get you thinking about misinformation and its spread in advance of the symposium Let's Talk Misinformation.

Benjamin Pauquet designing a part for the lunar lander on his computer

Benjamin Pauquet (video)

Career Profiles

Mechanical and Materials Engineer

I design parts for off-road and off-planet vehicles. Video audio is in French, English subtitles are provided.
Portrait de Sydney Robinson

Sydney Robinson

Career Profiles

Biomedical Engineer and Entrepreneur

I am an entrepreneur who used my engineering background to design a device that helps amputees do daily tasks in a more painless manner.
Portrait de Graham Ballachey

Graham Ballachey

Career Profiles

Vice President, Engineering

I manage and oversee all the engineering work for a lithium mine development company.
Julie Thrasher au travail dans la salle de commande

Julie Thrasher

Career Profiles

Shift Manager (Nuclear Power)

I’m responsible for the safe and effective operation of a four unit nuclear power plant.
Peter Visscher devant un tableau blanc

Peter Visscher

Robotic Vehicle Development, General Manager

I work with my team to develop extreme robotic vehicles designed to operate off-road and off-planet.
Lisa Jones

Lisa Jones

Career Profiles

Manager of Strategic Initiatives

I lead initiatives to improve leadership as well as the overall effectiveness of the organization.
Medical Equipment and Instruments

Medicine and Science: Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about the intersection of medicine and science.

Dr. Arinjay Banerjee dans son labo

Arinjay Banerjee (he/him)

Research Scientist and Principal Investigator

I am a scientist and I study how viruses evolve and interact with our immune system.
Miriam Micael

Miriam Micael

Engineer, Project Management

As a project manager at the Canadian Space Agency, Miriam makes sure projects get done on time and on budget.
Tomatoes of different shapes, sizes and colours

Tomato Taxonomy


A look at the taxonomic classification of the tomato plant and the origin, history and development of tomatoes.

Jed Christianson

Jed Christianson

Canola Seed Development Specialist

Jed works with a global team to develop new varieties of canola for farmers to grow as their crop.