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Career Options

Exploring Motivational Factors

Exploring Motivational Factors


Students will explore motivational factors that influence a person’s career on a daily basis.
Students will recognize motivational factors that are similar to their own.
Student will identify the factors that motivate or are important to them as they explore or plan for future career opportunities.

What's my lifestyle?

What’s My Lifestyle?


Students will realize that high salaries are not always equated with a great lifestyle.

What’s your Plan B?

What’s your Plan B?


Students will recognize the importance of flexibility and adaptability when it comes to career choices.
Students will recognize that previous education is an asset that provides for great flexibility and adaptability.

Introducing Career Options

Introducing Career Options


Students will be introduced to career development and begin thinking about different career options.

Learning from the Experiences of Others

Learning from the Experience of Others


Students will recognize the benefit of seeking advice from those experienced in specific career areas that interest them.