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Cylinders: Shapes and Strength (Short)

Students test the strength of different shaped paper cylinders.

Health Sciences

Vectorville - Disease Vectors and Climate Change

Students learn about how climate change can impact the geographical range of disease vectors.


Food Web Jenga - Climate Change Extension

Students will learn about the importance of food webs and how climate change can disrupt them.


Beaver Dam Building Challenge (Short)

Using simple materials, students are challenged to build a small beaver dam.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Camouflage Animals

Learn how camouflage helps animals blend in!

Health Sciences

Depth Perception

A quick experiment demonstrating how our eyes work for depth perception.


Drag and Shape

Learn how the shape of a glider can influence the force of drag.


Balancing Stick

Learn how to balance a stick using the centre of mass!


Can you keep paper dry?

Can you keep paper dry?