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Drag and Shape

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Learn how the shape of a glider can influence the force of drag.

What You Need

  • 1 sheet of cardstock
  • 2 straws
  • 2 paper clips
  • 2 elastics
  • Tape
  • Scissors


Safety Notes

Ensure you are familiar with Let's Talk Science's precautions with respect to safe virtual outreach to youth.

Do not launch your gliders towards another person or animal.

What To Do

  • Cut out a triangle and square from the cardstock sheet.
  • Make a bend about 2..5 cm from the top of the one straw.
  • Place one elastic in the bent part of the straw and tape the bent part of the straw to the rest of the straw. This is your launcher.
  • Repeat the process to make a second launcher.
  • Add a paper clip to one corner of the triangle.
  • Put one launcher in the middle of the paper triangle, with the bent part of the straw at the top. Leave a little bit of the straw sticking out over the tip of the triangle (see photo in guide).
  • Tape the launcher in the middle of the paper triangle to hold it together.
  • Place the second launcher in the middle of the square with the bent part of the straw at the top near the paper clip. Leave a bit of the straw sticking out over the edge of the paper as in the photo. 
  • Tape the launcher to the paper rectangle to hold it together.

To fly the gliders, you can use your arm for thrust and throw them, or use the elastic for thrust as in the photo (see attached guide). Be careful if you use the elastic to be sure that the elastic is high up on your thumb or finger or the glider will hit your thumb or finger and it hurts a little.

Now, they can test their gliders to see which one goes further.

The push or force from air and the particles in the air like is called drag (or air resistance). Air is pushing against the gliders as they fly through the air. Did the triangle shaped glider go further than the square shaped glider? Compare the nose of the two gliders. One is flat and long and the other is pointy. The square shaped glider with the flat longer shape at the front has more surface for the air to hit and push against so it shouldn't have flown as far as the triangle shaped glider that has less surface for the air to push against. 


The V-formation allows for less air to push against birds and they can fly further using less energy.

What's Happening?

The push or force from air and the particles in the air like is called drag (or air resistance). Air is pushing against the gliders as they fly through the air. Did the triangle shaped glider go further than the square shaped glider? Compare the nose of the two gliders. One is flat and long and the other is pointy. The square shaped glider with the flat longer shape at the front has more surface for the air to hit and push against so it shouldn't have flown as far as the triangle shaped glider that has less surface for the air to push against. 


Why Does it Matter?

The V-formation allows for less air to push against birds and they can fly further using less energy.

