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STEM Explained

dangerous tornado approaching wind turbine

What is a Tornado?

STEM Explained

Tornadoes are a common extreme weather phenomenon in Canada. How are they formed? How can you stay safe? And what is a storm chaser?

Bread and wheat with a warning sign

Celiac Disease: When You Really Need to Stay Gluten-Free

STEM Explained

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder. Gluten triggers an immune system response, seriously affecting nutrition.

Thundersnow near a cabin on a hillside

Thundersnow: winter thunderstorms

STEM Explained

When thunder and lightning occur but the main form of precipitation is snow, not rain, it’s called thundersnow.

A variety of lava lamps

Lava Lamps

STEM Explained

Lava lamps are very interesting to look at. But they are also interesting examples of buoyancy, heat transfer and solubility!

Water droplets on succulent leaves

How Do Plants Survive in the Desert?

STEM Explained

Plants need to exchange gases and water with their environment as part of photosynthesis. Some plant cells have evolved specifically for this purpose.

Rockfall on road

The Processes that Shape Landforms

STEM Explained

Canada has some amazing landforms. Learn how weathering, erosion and deposition shape landforms.

Cartoon of people cleaning teeth

How can chemistry help you take care of your teeth?

STEM Explained

What are your teeth made up of? What chemistry is at work in your mouth? Why do some people get cavities even if they brush regularly?

Doctor pointing to a knee x-ray

Why a Trip to Outer Space Could Be Bad for Your Bones

STEM Explained

Astronauts can experience bone loss in space. To understand why, you need to know a bit about how bones are formed and maintained in your body.


Why are Guppies so Diverse?

STEM Explained

Different members of a species can have different traits. You can see this in a species found at your local pet store - guppies!

Pitcher holding a baseball

Why Do Curveballs Curve?

STEM Explained

Bernoulli’s equation is key to understanding why curveballs curve.

People playing ice hockey

Why Do Ice Rinks Stay Frozen?

STEM Explained

Every ice rink is an example of molecular bonding and gas laws at work!

Suffering from a hangover

Why Do People Get Hangovers?

STEM Explained

Why does drinking too much alcohol make people feel so bad? Read about four theories.

fossil plants and animals

Why Scientists Believe in Evolution

STEM Explained

Scientists have accumulated so much evidence in the theory of evolution that it is one of the most widely-accepted theories in science.

People with cancer and their caregivers

Why Do So Many People Get Cancer?

STEM Explained

We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. What causes cancer? Why is it getting more common?

Arctic pack ice

Why Don't Fish Freeze in Cold Arctic Waters?

STEM Explained

Ever wonder how fish survive in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic? It’s partly because of a brilliant evolutionary adaptation.