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Public Safety

gros plan des mains des techniciens montrant une pipette avec un échantillon de sang provenant d'un récipient

Marta V. (she/her)

Career Profiles

Forensic Search Biologist

I examine evidence from crime scenes for biological material such as blood, semen, or touch DNA.
Mark Derikx devant une usine de fabrication de produits chimiques.

Mark Derikx

Career Profiles

Environmental Health Safety Quality Manager

I help make sure our chemical plant is following legal operating requirements for employee and community safety.
portait par Mark Simmonds

Mark Simmonds

Career Profiles

Marine Surveyor

I survey all different types of ships to make sure they are safe to operate.
portrait de Sarah Eaton

Sarah Jane Eaton

Career Profiles


I lead a team that is responsible for licensing small modular reactors.
Andrea Bellingham

Andrea Bellingham (she/her)

Career Profiles

Emergency Management Programs Officer (Nuclear Engineer)

I work to prevent potential nuclear emergencies.
Andre Boysen

Andre Boysen

Career Profiles

Chief Identity Officer

Our company is on a quest to make the internet easier for everyone by getting rid of passwords and making it easier to prove who you are when you need to.
portrait de Mike Fabro

Mike Fabro

Career Profiles

Manager, Climate Change Planning

I work with my team to plan and implement London, Ontario's response to the climate crisis.
portrait de Brittany Tyler

Brittany Tyler (she/her)

Career Profiles

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Officer

I negotiate and implement Canada's nuclear non-proliferation import and export policy.
Marty Larabie

Marty Larabie (he/him)

Career Profiles

Radiation Inspector

I perform radiation safety inspections of persons who use nuclear material.
Portrait de Anindya Kumar Ghosal

Anindya Kumar Ghosal (he/him)

Career Profiles

Senior Product Team Lead (Chemical Engineer)

I create chemicals that are added to gasoline so it will burn cleaner in the automobile’s engine.
Portrait de Andrea Goldson-Barnaby

Andrea Goldson-Barnaby

Career Profiles

Head of the Food division

I teach and do research on the topics of Food Chemistry and Food Processing.
Adrienne Ethier

Adrienne Ethier

Career Profiles

Environmental Risk Assessment Specialist

I am responsible for evaluating potential exposure risks to people and the environment near nuclear facilities and mines.
Portrait de Corie Houldsworth

Corie Houldsworth

Career Profiles


I perform inspections of worksites where radiation is used, stored or transported.
Michelle Henry

Michelle Henry

Non-Destructive Testing Technician

I inspect metal parts on nuclear reactors to make sure they are in good working order.
Julie Leblanc

Julie Leblanc (she/her)

Women in STEM Special Advisor

My work is to support girls and women to pursue and education and careers in STEM.