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Cluster 1: Interactions Within Ecosystems

Carly Silver | Écologiste associée

Carly Silver

Career Profiles

Associate Ecologist

Carly Silver is an Associate Ecologist for Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Water droplets on succulent leaves

How Do Plants Survive in the Desert?

STEM Explained

Plants need to exchange gases and water with their environment as part of photosynthesis. Some plant cells have evolved specifically for this purpose.

Cartoon of people cleaning teeth

How can chemistry help you take care of your teeth?

STEM Explained

What are your teeth made up of? What chemistry is at work in your mouth? Why do some people get cavities even if they brush regularly?

Why do leaves change colour in the fall?

Why do leaves change colour in the fall?

Hands-on Activities

How do the green leaves of summer change to vibrant colours in fall? Explore plant pigments in this chromatography activity.

man sick with the flu

The Surprising Reason You Feel Awful When You're Sick

STEM Explained

Viruses can make you feel awful! This article explains how feeling bad might be your immune system’s way of helping you heal.

various marine microorganisms as they appear under a microscope

Marine Microbiology: Meet the Microbes of the Sea!

STEM Explained

The ocean is full of very small but very useful creatures called microbes. Without them, none of the sea plants or animals you’ve seen would exist!

An artist’s rendition of a bacteriophage

Phages vs. Antibiotics

STEM Explained

Many doctors prescribe antibiotics to cure infections. But should they be prescribing viruses instead?

Electronic cigarette and traditional cigarettes

Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking?

STEM Explained

Learn how e-cigarettes and other vaping products work, and why scientists and health professionals have concerns about their safety.

How does water move up a plant?

How does water move up a plant?

Hands-on Activities

Do an experiment with celery to learn about the structures that help plants take up water.

How do I construct a terrarium?

How do I construct a terrarium?

Hands-on Activities

You can make your own terrarium for growing plants!

 A forest damaged by pine beetles

How Do Introduced Species Affect Ecosystems and the Economy?

STEM Explained

When a species ends up outside of its natural zone, the consequences on other species, ecosystems and human industries can be severe. Climate change and human activities can introduce species into new zones.

Green walls in Harvard University

Green Walls

STEM Explained

Green walls use plant processes to improve air quality in buildings.

Narwhals, polar bears and other common Arctic animals swim in the Arctic waters.  Image © id-work, iStock

How are Arctic Animals in Canada Affected by Climate Change?

STEM Explained

Arctic animals have evolved to thrive in harsh arctic ecosystems, but the environmental footprint created by climate change is affecting their survival.

Canaries were once used to signal dangers to miners. - Image © Vito Cangiulli,

How Can Birds Help Monitor the Health of Ecosystems?

STEM Explained

Scientists can observe birds to get useful information about the health of, and changes in, an ecosystem.

Massive algal bloom

Eutrophication: Why you should care about pond scum

STEM Explained

When fertilizers from agriculture get into lakes and rivers, big problems can result for aquatic ecosystems, food chains & webs!