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Strand B: Human Impact on the environment

Élyse Caron-Beaudoin

Élyse Caron-Beaudoin

Career Profiles

Teaching Assistant in Environmental Health

Ignacio Tartavull

Ignacio Tartavull


Ignacio started a business that builds and operates remotely controlled food-delivery robots.
Image of a river running through a Boreal forest

Resources on the Environment

STEM Explained

Resource page including articles and career profiles related to the environment.

Pears Evans

Piers Evans

Career Profiles

Municipal Sustainability Coordinator

Piers Evans is a Municipal Sustainability Coordinator for the Conservation Corps of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Tara Boyd au bureau en patins à roulettes.

Tara Boyd

Director, Operations & Administration

Tara Boyd is the Director of Operations & Administration for Pure Mechanical.
Our climate is changing

Introduction to Climate Change


Learn more about the causes and impacts of global climate change.

White water rafting on the Fraser River in British Columbia

Introduction to Rivers & Streams


Learn about the physical geography, chemistry and ecology of rivers and streams.

Water treatment plant near Kitchener, Ontario

Water Treatment


Learn about how water is treated at municipal water treatment plants.

Boat on a lake at sunset

Humans and Freshwater Ecosystems


Learn about how people impact the ecosystems of lakes and rivers.

Scientist testing water samples

Careers in the Great Outdoors


Students explore careers related to outdoors and the land and then design and build a water filter prototype.

Some examples of biomass

Generating Electricity: Biomass


Learn how biomass can be used to generate electricity.

Ian Cook

Ian Cook

Journeyman Sheet Metal Worker

Ian Cook is a Journeyman Sheet Metal Worker for Whisper Heating and Cooling.
Coal and natural gas fueled generator near Hanna, Alberta, Canada

Generating Electricity: Fossil Fuels


Learn how energy from fossil fuels can be used to generate electricity.

Pond in a valley

Introduction to Lakes & Ponds


Learn about the geology, chemistry and ecology of lakes and ponds.

Jean Paquin outside

Jean Paquin

Water Resources Analyst Engineer at Rio Tinto

Jean Paquin is a Water Resources Analyst Engineer at Rio Tinto.