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The Moon

Light meter in front of solar eclipse

Learning About Lux: Light and Solar Eclipses


Students will observe, measure, record and graph light levels during a real or simulated solar eclipse.

Earth with ruler

3 Part Math Task - Modeling a Total Solar Eclipse


Students will learn about the size and position of the Sun, moon and Earth during a solar eclipse using a 3-Part Math Task.

A family watches an eclipse

Eclipse Watching

Hands-on Activities

Things to do on solar eclipse day!

Lenny and Lexie wearing eclipse glasses

Lenny and Lexie Get Ready for a Solar Eclipse

Hands-on Activities

Help Lenny and Lexie get ready for a solar eclipse using your unplugged coding skills.

Child using box eclipse viewer

Three Ways to Make a Solar Eclipse Viewer

Hands-on Activities

Safely view a solar eclipse by making and using a pinhole solar eclipse viewer.

Solar Eclipse

The Great North American Eclipse

A total solar eclipse – when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, completely blocking out the Sun – is a rare occurrence. However, many Canadians will be treated to this once-in-a-lifetime event on Monday, April 8, 2024, which will be visible across North America and dubbed the Great North American Eclipse.  

Portrait de Evaline Warmels

Evaline Warmels

Career Profiles

Mechatronic Engineer

I design, build, and test devices that use electricity to do something that a human couldn't do on their own.
Lunar rover in its testing environment, created to mimic conditions on the Moon.

Designing Rovers for the Moon’s Extreme Environment


Learn about the extreme environment on the Moon and the challenges this poses for designing lunar rovers.

Artemis I Liftoff

Artemis Goes to the Moon!


Learn about NASA’s Space Launch System, which includes the Boeing-built Core Stage, and how it got Orion to the Moon and back again.

Rover on the Moon

Can you design a rover that can survive on the moon?

Hands-on Activities

Design a lunar rover that can survive in the moon’s extreme environment.

Artist image of Theia crashing into Earth

Origin of Earth’s Moon


Learn how Earth’s moon came to be and what we have learned from Moon rocks.

Space Shuttle Columbia launching

Careers In The Space Sector


Illustration of an astronaut standing on a grey moon with a Canadian flag, with space and stars in the background

Canada Goes to the Moon!


Learn about Canada’s new role in space exploration, what we plan to achieve on and around the Moon.

Evaline Warmels with lunar rover in background.

Evaline Warmels (Video)

Career Profiles

Mechatronical Engineer

As an electrical engineer at Canadensys, I help build robots (lunar landers) that will explore the surface of the moon.
Lunar lander floating above the moon, with the Earth in the background

Let's Talk Space Exploration Resources


Discover a set of resources to develop background knowledge on the topic of space exploration.