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Computer Science

Colin Roos - CEO & Co-Founder

Colin Roos (Video)

Technology Entrepreneur

Colin Roos is a Technology Entrepreneur, located in Ontario.
Johann Lau | Directeur de produits, Google

Johann Lau

Career Profiles

Product Manager

Johann Lau us a product manager at Google in Seattle, Washington.
Amina Bayram | analyste en pétrochimie/SIG

Amina Bayram

Career Profiles

Petrotechnical/GIS Analyst

Amina Bayram is a petrochemical/GIS analyst with Chevron IT in Alberta.
Larisa Morier | Monsanto Canada

Larisa Morier

Career Profiles

Technology Development Data Manager

Larisa Morier is a Technology Development Data Manager for Monsanto Canada.
Marc Fiume | PDG de DNAstack

Marc Fiume

Career Profiles


Marc Fiume is the CEO of DNAstack, a software that manages genomic data.
Zane Westmoreland | Fondateur, Acadiate

Zane Westmoreland


Zane Westmoreland is the Founder of Acadiate, located in Ontario.
Ryan Barichello | Président de LinxSmart & Partner - SOAP Vault.

Ryan Barichello

Career Profiles


Ryan Barichello is the President of LinxSmart & Partner - SOAP Vault.
Jeremy Friedberg | Associé et cofondateur de Spongelab Interactive

Jeremy Friedberg

Career Profiles

Partner & Co-founder

Jeremy Friedberg is a Partner and Co-Founder of Spongelab Interactive.
Spencer Turbitt | Directeur général et administrateur

Spencer Turbitt

Career Profiles

CEO & Director

Spencer Turbitt is the CEO & Director of iApotheca Healthcare Inc.
Meaghan Daly | Présidentede Forward Vision Games

Meaghan Daly

Career Profiles


Meaghan Daly is the President of Forward Vision Games.
Colin Roos | Directeur général et cofondateur

Colin Roos

Career Profiles

CEO & Co-Founder

Colin Roos is an entrepreneur and engineering student with a passion for innovation, discovery and the outdoors.
Daryl Dominique en conférence

Daryl Dominique

Career Profiles

CEO & Designer

Daryl Dominique is the CEO and Designer at CMD Prototyping.