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Unit D: Human Systems

How does detergent work?

How does detergent work?

Hands-on Activities

Become a pro at washing dishes! Learn how the chemical structure of detergent makes it perfect for attracting grease and grime.

aging through childhood, adulthood and old age

Have Scientists Found a Way for People to Live Longer?

STEM Explained

Everything and everyone ages. But scientists have made discoveries about our cells and circulatory and immune systems that could potentially one day be used to increase human lifespans.

Woman having a panic attack

Chemical Equilibrium and Panic Attacks

STEM Explained

Panic attacks are scary and they upset your body’s chemical equilibrium. Learn what happens to acids & bases in your circulatory system during a panic attack.

Hand with screwdriver “repairing” DNA

DNA Damage and Repair


This backgrounder explains the different ways that cells repair damage to DNA.

Cocoa beans and cocoa powder

Can Chocolate Make Your Brain Work Better?

STEM Explained

Researchers have found that consuming foods rich in flavanols is linked to more efficient blood flow, which can improve brain function.

Can we make butter?

Can we make butter?

Hands-on Activities

Do you like butter? Find out how easy it is to make!

T cells and cancer cells - Image © Meletios Verras,

Can Your Own Cells Cure Cancer?

STEM Explained

When a person has cancer, CAR-T Therapy uses their own cells to destroy the cancer cells in their body.

Image © TLFurrer,

Are Microbes Your Friend or Foe?

STEM Explained

Microbes are everywhere, even in your digestive tract. Some of these microbes are helpful, and some aren’t.

heavy metal band

A Taste of Heavy Metal

STEM Explained

Heavy metal is a term for some toxic chemical elements. They can cause problems like bioaccumulation, but are useful in nuclear medicine and medical imaging.

Jefferson Frisbee | Directeur et professeur du département de biophysique médicale de l'Université Western Ontario

Jefferson Frisbee

Career Profiles

Chair and Professor

Jefferson Frisbee is the a chair and professor for the Department of Medical Biophysics at the University of Western Ontario.
Ryan Conder | Scientifique principal, STEMCELL Technologies

Ryan Conder

Career Profiles

Senior Scientist

Ryan Conder is a Senior Scientist at STEMCELL Technologies.
Andy Kokaji | Directeur associé de Immunologie, STEMCELL Technologies

Andy Kokaji

Career Profiles

Associate Director of Immunology

Andy Kokaji is an associate director of immunology at STEMCELL Technologies.
Norbert Lake | Chiropraticien

Norbert Lake

Career Profiles

Chiropractor and Healthcare Consultant

Norbert Lake is a Chiropractor and Healthcare Consultant at Dynamic Physio and Wellness.
Kelly White | Massothérapeute autorisée

Kelly White

Career Profiles

Registered Massage Therapist

Kelly White is a registered massage therapist in Newfoundland.