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Daily and Seasonal Changes

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Earth & Environmental Science Volunteer Activities
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Earth & Environmental Science Volunteer Activities
Created by
Western University
Activity Language
Time Needed for Activity

Students learn about daily and seasonal changes through group discussion, songs, drawing and interactive demonstrations.

What You Need

Activity One: Draw a Season

  • Markers
  • Bristol board (4)

Activity Two: Seasons Song Sing Along

Activity Three: Earth and Sun Demonstration

  • Ball with sticker on it
  • Flashlight

 Activity Five: Night and Day song

Activity Five: Draw a Time of Day

  • Markers
  • Bristol Board (4)


What To Do

Activity One: Draw a Season

  1. Divide the class into four groups
  2. Assign each group a season to draw on Bristol board. Note: remind students of things that change every season such as weather, temperature, how the trees look, etc.
  3. Allow groups to show drawings
  4. Discuss characteristics of each season

Activity Two: Seasons Song Sing Along

See lyrics sheet/PowerPoint. Follow this link for the sing along tune:

Activity Three: Earth and Sun Demonstration

  1. Pick two volunteers to be the Sun and the Earth
  2. The Earth volunteer holds a ball that represents the Earth
  3. The sticker on the ball represents where the class is
  4. The Sun volunteer hold a flashlight pointed at the Sun
  5. Ask the Earth volunteer to rotate the ball so the light is shining on the sticker. This represents daytime
  6. Ask the Earth volunteer to rotate the is facing away from the light. This represents night time
  • Question: How does the amount of light shining on the sticker affect how bright it is outside?
  • Question: How does the amount of light shining on the sticker affect how warm it is outside?

Activity Four: Night and Day song - Tell students to try to get ideas from the song about activities done at different times of the day for the next activity

Activity Five: Draw a Time of Day

  1. Divide the class into four groups
  2. Assign each group to a time of day to draw: Morning, School, After School, Evening. Note: remind students of activities they do at each time of the day
  3. Allow groups to show drawing
  4. Discuss characteristics of each time of day

First, seasonal changes are explored through a drawing activity as well as a song along song. Changes to weather, plants, animals, etc. in each season should be emphasized. Second, daily changes are discussed through a demonstration of how the Earth's rotation in relation to the Sun makes day light and night dark. Following this, a song and drawing activity further solidify knowledge on this topic.

For older students, discussion and drawing activities can be facilitated using a Kahoot or other more interactive and unique format. Children can also be given the materials for the Earth/Sun demonstration and work in groups to consider how the Earth's rotation makes day light and night dark. Note that this will require one set of materials per group for this activity. 

What's Happening?

First, seasonal changes are explored through a drawing activity as well as a song along song. Changes to weather, plants, animals, etc. in each season should be emphasized. Second, daily changes are discussed through a demonstration of how the Earth's rotation in relation to the Sun makes day light and night dark. Following this, a song and drawing activity further solidify knowledge on this topic.

Investigate Further

For older students, discussion and drawing activities can be facilitated using a Kahoot or other more interactive and unique format. Children can also be given the materials for the Earth/Sun demonstration and work in groups to consider how the Earth's rotation makes day light and night dark. Note that this will require one set of materials per group for this activity.