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Let's Talk Science National Office

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Balloon Greenhouse

This is a fun, simple activity to help students understand how plants grow in a greenhouse.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases

An experiment that demonstrates the greenhouse effect. Includes a presentation on the carbon cycle and student debate topics related to climate change.


Guess Who? Animal Sounds

Learn about Canadian animals and the sounds they make.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Preserving Paper for the Environment

What happens to the waste that we put in the trash? How are things recycled? In this activity, participants will explore these questions and learn about the 6 R's of Sustainability.

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Salmon Sustainability

Students will learn about the habitat and lifecycle of Pacific salmon, the effects of climate change on salmon populations and the importance of sustainable fishing practices.

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Cookie Mining - Climate Edition

Students mine for chocolate chips in cookies, attempting to get as many chocolate chips as possible without damaging the cookie.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

H2WOAH Clouds - Climate Change Extensions

Youth explore the water cycle by creating their own rain clouds. In the optional extensions, youth will learn how climate change affects the water cycle and discuss ways to lower their impact on the environment.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Storytime - The Greenhouse Effect

This workshop consists of two parts: a reading of the "Polar Bear, Why is Your World Melting?" by Robert E. Wells followed by a hands-on activity. Using some very ordinary items at home, we're going to learn about the greenhouse effect.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Storytime - Pollution We Can and Can't See

This workshop consists of two parts: a reading of the "An Earth Bot’s Guide to Plastic Pollution" by Russel Ayto followed by the hands-on activity. Using some very ordinary items at home, we're going to learn about the pollution we can and can’t see.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Storytime - Pollution in Plants

This workshop consists of two parts: a reading of the "The Last Tree" by Maria Quintana Silva and Silvia Alvarez followed by the hands-on activity. Using some very ordinary items at home, we're going to learn how plants are important in the fight against climate change as they help absorb pollution from the environment to keep it safe and clean.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Storytime - Trouble-to-Toys

This workshop consists of two parts: a reading of the "When the Earth Shook" by Lisa Lucas followed by a hands-on activity called Trouble-to-Toys. Using some very ordinary items at home, we're going to learn about how they can create a toy out of recycled items.

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Lifecycle of Clothing and Microplastics

Filtering water after washing clothes can help prevent harmful plastic microfibers from polluted oceans and shorelines.


The Nature of Science

What is science? In this activity, youth learn about the different ways of studying the world around us. They will use the scientific method to design and test an alka seltzer rocket.

Earth and Environmental Sciences


Nitrogen cycles through our ecosystems. It is an essential nutrient for many living things and plays a key role in the environment. However, too much nitrogen can be harmful.

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Trees for Tomorrow

In this workshop, students will explore what makes up a healthy forest, and how tree and soil health is important for sustaining ecosystems. Students will consider how human actions affect forests, and how forests are important in combatting climate change. Discussions will focus on positive actionable steps students can take to protect plant and soil health in their communities.