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Rolls of aluminum

Chemistry in the Aluminum Industry


Learn about the role of chemistry in the aluminum industry.

Vaccine cooler bag

How can you design an insulated container?

Hands-on Activities

How can you design a container that keeps something cold?

Student wearing a vr headset in a classroom

VR Career Exploration


Students will learn about virtual reality technology and explore careers using this technology.

Engineers and architect looking at blueprints

Careers in Building and Design


Students explore careers that involve designing and building structures and devices.

Woman working on her laptop in a modern glass office

Exploring Careers in STEM Grade 7


Students will expand their knowledge of STEM career types related to a topic they are studying in science.

Katie Mack headshot

Katie Mack (she/her)

Career Profiles

Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication

I study of the fundamental physics of the universe.
Insulated food containers

Design & Build an Insulated Food Container


Students will design and build a prototype of a device to keep food cold for a specified time.

physical and chemical changes header

Exploring Physical and Chemical Changes


Students observe and classify physical and chemical changes of matter.

Earth with thermometer

Climate Math


Learn about how to calculate temperature anomalies as a way of understanding how our climate is changing.

Sea ice

Ice on Earth - The Cryosphere


Learn about the cryosphere and how it is being impacted by climate change.

Test tubes with colourful liquids

Evidence of Chemical Change


Learn how to tell if a chemical reaction has taken place.

Photographie inbtermittente des étoiles de la Voie lactée, dans l'hémisphère sud du Chili, par Rodrigo Vidal.

Rodrigo Vidal

Career Profiles

Architect, Teacher

My work helps people achieve the most comfortable temperature in their building.
Electrical engineers at work

Engineering a Future Career


Students explore the different branches of engineering and discover the similarities and differences between them.

Creative ideas picture

Attributes and Skills of Innovators


Students explore the attributes and skills that can make someone a successful innovator.

Ethical hacker

Careers of the Future


Students will learn about potential careers of the future and create their own job description.