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Ecosystems: Energy, Matter and Interactions

Julie Leblanc

Julie Leblanc (she/her)

Women in STEM Special Advisor

My work is to support girls and women to pursue and education and careers in STEM.
Mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars projected into point perspective

Let's Talk Mars Resources


Discover a set of resources to get you up to speed on the discussion surrounding Mars

Astronauts from the Apollo Mission landing on the moon.

Let's Talk Lunar Resources


Discover some background information on how we'll learn to live and work on the Moon - and beyond!

Cuvier's beaked whales

Are Whales Beaching Themselves Stressed By Sonar?

STEM Explained

Read about why sonar could be causing some whales to beach themselves.

Illustration of the Earth

Summer Symposium Series: Climate Career Resources


A career focused on climate change and sustainability would let you help people by working to help solve the biggest problems of our time.

Rohan Hakimi headshot

Rohan Hakimi

Career Profiles

Environmental Engineer, Integrated Water Management

I am an environmental engineer working to create sustainable storm water management and to protect our water resources.
Engineer inspecting a solar panel

Careers In Sustainability


Students explore non-traditional careers related to sustainability and sustainable development.

Image of a river running through a Boreal forest

Resources on the Environment

STEM Explained

Resource page including articles and career profiles related to the environment.

Hands holding a hot mug

Introduction to Heat Transfer


Learn about the different ways that heat is transferred.

Our climate is changing

Introduction to Climate Change


Learn more about the causes and impacts of global climate change.

Shayla Brown au travail sur un chantier maritime

Shayla Brown

Career Profiles

Environmental Coordinator

Shayla Brown is an Environmental Coordinator for Seaspan Shipyards.
Aerial view of a wetland

Introduction to Freshwater Wetlands


Learn about the geology, chemistry and ecology of freshwater wetlands.

Jean Paquin outside

Jean Paquin

Water Resources Analyst Engineer at Rio Tinto

Jean Paquin is a Water Resources Analyst Engineer at Rio Tinto.
Solar power illustration

Generating Electricity: Solar Cells


Learn how energy from the Sun can be used to generate electricity.

 Jeremy McNeil, docteur en entomologie

Dr. Jeremy McNeil

Career Profiles


Dr. Jeremy McNeil is a Professor for the Biology Department at the University of Western Ontario.