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Earth Science

Portrait de Graham Ballachey

Graham Ballachey

Career Profiles

Vice President, Engineering

I manage and oversee all the engineering work for a lithium mine development company.
Portrait de Mike Stanzel

Mike Stanzel

Career Profiles

Technical Sales Manager

I’m a sales professional who specializes in selling technical or scientific products.
Hayleigh Conway posant sur une carte des TNO et désignant Inuvik sur la carte. Pris lors de la Journée du SIG 2017.

Hayleigh Conway (she/her)

Career Profiles

Geomatics Technician

I make maps that help answer questions about the health of the environment in the Western Arctic.
Jessica Rideout

Jessica Rideout

Quarry Materials Compliance Officer

I inspect quarries to ensure that they are operated in compliance with provincial regulations.
Dr. Jackie Dawson faisant des recherches sur le terrain sur l'île Beechy, Nunavut.

Jackie Dawson (she/her/they)

Career Profiles

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society, and Policy

I work with large teams of academics, Inuit knowledge holders, and decision makers to understand the risks and solutions to environmental change.
Caroline Richard - Engineer in the mining industry

Caroline Richard

Geotechnical Engineer

I work in the mining industry and manage the waste materials created during ore extraction.
Chris Derksen en train de faire ses recherches sur le terrain en Arctique.

Chris Derksen (he/his)

Career Profiles

Climate Scientist

I use satellite data and climate models to understand how climate change is impacting snow and ice across Canada.
Peter Visscher devant un tableau blanc

Peter Visscher

Robotic Vehicle Development, General Manager

I work with my team to develop extreme robotic vehicles designed to operate off-road and off-planet.
Waves and rocks

The World of Ocean Currents


Learn about oceans and ocean currents and how they are being impacted by climate change.

Pier on one of the Great Lakes

Let's Talk Great Lakes Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to give you good background knowledge on all things Great Lakes!

Amanda McCallum

Amanda McCallum

Geologist, Communication Specialist, Business Owner

I'm a prospecting geologist, a science communication specialist and business owner.
Lesley Hymers à côté d'une pépite de cuivre géante à l'extérieur du musée McBride, à Whitehorse, au Yukon.

Lesley Hymers

Manager, Education and Outreach Programs

I work for an organization that provides Earth science and mineral resources education.
Lisa Phiri dans une mine souterraine

Lisa T. Phiri

Mining Geologist

I examine rocks in an underground mine to determine the amount and location of gold.
Sea landscape with dam and waves

Waves, Tides and Tsunamis


Learn about ocean waves and how they can form tsunamis and tidal waves.

Max Salman aux commandes d'un avion.

Max Salman

Career Profiles

PH.D. Student / Affiliate Researcher

I ask questions to things that don’t have answers yet.