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National Volunteer Award, Online

2020 Award Winner:
Sarah Zankar

Sarah Zankar

As a content reviewer, Sarah was drawn to colourful and creative articles and found ways to add diagrams, images, colours, videos and catchy sentences to help engage students and stimulate their passion for STEM.

Learn more about the winner by watching their celebration video!

2020 Runners-Up:

Dhanvini Gudi

Throughout the writing and review process, Dhanvini focused on effective communication practices to understand the viewpoint of a young reader and create content that was clear, creative and easily understood.

Nadia Bragagnolo

Nadia showed her understanding of the importance of online outreach through writing to engage and make scientific concepts interesting and accessible for students across the country.

Past Winners:
  • 2019 – Harleen Saini
  • 2018 – Moushumi Nath
  • 2017 – Mira Okshevsky
  • 2016 – Anna Zhou, University of Toronto