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Flood water with traffic sign submerged.

Earth Month: Climate Change


Discover the probable causes, likely effects, and potential ways to mitigate climate change.

Seedling with sunlight

Light & Plants


Learn about the process of photosynthesis and how it is affected by light levels.

Frothing water

Earth Month: Water


Discover the issues surrounding water today, and learn what you can do to help.

Two girls exploring plant life in the woods

Developing a Hypothesis


Learn what makes a good hypothesis, and how to develop one.

A measuring tape wrapped around a tomato

Precision and Accuracy


Learn about precision and accuracy and why they are important in science.

Tomato plants grow in a greenhouse

Bias and Sources of Error


Learn how scientists identify and minimize bias and sources of error to produce accurate results.

A tomato labelled with a question mark

Asking Testable Questions


Learn how scientists come up with experimental or testable questions.

Three types of tomatoes

Identifying Variables


Learn how scientists define independent, dependent and controlled variables in experimental inquiry.

Seedlings in various stages of growth

Setting Up a Fair Test


Learn how scientists set up fair tests using comparison and variables.

Medical Equipment and Instruments

Medicine and Science: Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about the intersection of medicine and science.

Waves and rocks

The World of Ocean Currents


Learn about oceans and ocean currents and how they are being impacted by climate change.

Empty box with question mark

Introduction to Algebra


Learn about the history of algebra and how to solve equations with variables.

Pier on one of the Great Lakes

Let's Talk Great Lakes Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to give you good background knowledge on all things Great Lakes!

Pickering nuclear power generation station

Let's Talk Nuclear Resources


Discover a list of resources to get you thinking about all things nuclear!

Factory smokestacks

Let's Talk Pollution Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about pollution.