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Career Profiles

Almond Au | Ingénieur client chez Google

Almond Au

Career Profiles

Customer Engineer

Almond Au is a customer engineer who solves complex problems with Google.
Zachary Emond | Cuisinier

Zachary Emond

Career Profiles


Zachary Emond is a Chef at the Holiday Inn, St. John’s.
Christina Passfield | Inspectrice d’ascenseurs et d’attractions mécaniques

Christina Passfield

Career Profiles

Elevator and Amusement Device Inspector

Christina Passfield is an elevator and amusement device inspector for Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA).
Dean Simon | Diététiste agréé, consultant privé

Dean Simon

Career Profiles

Registered Dietitican, Private Consultant

Dean Simon is a registered dietician and private consultant.
Murray Clayton | Forensic Anthropologist

Murray Clayton

Career Profiles

Forensic Anthropologist & Outreach Coordinator

Murray Clayton is a Forensic Anthropologist & Outreach Coordinator for the University of Toronto Mississauga.
Darcy Gentleman | Consultant principal, DJG Communications

Darcy Gentleman

Career Profiles

Principal Consultant

Darcy Gentleman is a principal consultant at DJG Communications.
Taleithat (Tia) West | Directrice de laboratoire de recherche et développement

Taleitha (Tia) West

Research and Development Laboratory Manager

Taleitha West is a Research and Development Laboratory Manager for Chemical Plants in British Columbia.
Patrick LeClair | Technicien en CDAO, spécialiste des ponts

Patrick LeClair

Career Profiles

Bridge CADD Technician

Patrick LeClair is a Bridge CADD Technician for the Government of Prince Edward Island.
Eric Addison | Ingénieur en logiciels, Google

Eric Addison

Career Profiles

Software Engineer

Eric Addison is a software engineer at Google in Washington, USA.
Amelia Antrim | Ingénieure logiciel pour Google

Amelia Antrim

Career Profiles

Software Engineering

Amelia Antrim is a software engineer at Google, with a focus on system design and production process.
Alayna Alambra | Étudiante en médecine dentaire

Alayna Alambra

Career Profiles

Dental Student

Alayna Alambra is a dental student at the University of Manitoba, Dental School.
Kristina Elkhazin | Responsable de l’industrie de la vente au détail, Google Canada

Kristina Elkhazin

Career Profiles

Head of Industry for Retail

Kristina Elkhazin is the Head of Industry for Retail at Google.
Nicole Sokira | Spécialiste en intégrité des marchés

Nicole Sokira

Career Profiles

Market Integrity Specialist

Nicole Sokira is a Market Integrity Specialist for SAP.
Ronald Boodram | Ingénieur informatique

Ronald Boodram

Career Profiles

Computer Engineer

Ronald Boodram is a Computer Engineer at Google in Ontario.
Myste Loewen | Représentante d’affaires, examinatrice en soudage

Myste Loewen

Career Profiles

Buiness Representative

Myste Loewen is a Business Representative for International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Lodge 146.