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Congratulations to the 2021 National Volunteer Award Winners!

News | June 10, 2021 | Share on:

Each year, we recognize the Let’s Talk Science Outreach volunteers who have exceeded expectations. Our volunteers have shown exceptional innovation and creativity to continue inspiring youth through science, technology, engineering and math despite a challenging year. We applaud their outstanding contributions to volunteerism and Let’s Talk Science through three prestigious awards!

We’re proud to present the 2021 winners of The David Colcleugh Leadership Award, the Let’s Talk Science National Volunteer Award, and the Indigenous Outreach Project Award, Let’s Talk Science Outreach.

The David Colcleugh Leadership Award for Let's Talk Science Outreach Coordinators

This award recognizes a site coordinator who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and has influenced people to create positive change through STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) outreach.

Sarah Woodward
Winner: Sarah Woodward, University of British Columbia

In her leadership role among the coordinator team at the University of British Columbia, Sarah has established environments that encourage and support learning, mentorship, representation and inclusivity. She has led multiple initiatives to ensure long-term success at her site, focusing on EDI, continuity, financial sustainability and strong relationships with her team and key partners.

“Sarah is a positive role model and leader who cares deeply about her team. She always makes herself available to help coordinators with their programs, attend volunteer appreciation and outreach events and generously offers her time and support. If there is a gap to be filled, a problem to be solved, or an idea to be nurtured, Sarah will be the first to offer assistance.” - Carol Naylor, Associate Director, Strategic Initiatives and Special Projects, VP Students Office, The University of British Columbia.

Learn more about the winner by watching their celebration video!

Let’s Talk Science National Volunteer Award

This award recognizes an exceptional volunteer who has shown outstanding innovation, communication and a commitment to STEM education and outreach.

Kevin Zhang
Winner: Kevin Zhang, Western University

Kevin has developed various new and innovative virtual activities this year as part of Western University’s kit development volunteer committee. His student-centred approach to working in the classroom allows him to reach students of all abilities and encourages independent discovery to inspire futures in STEM fields.

“Kevin has made a significant and positive impact on Let’s Talk Science programs as a passionate and devoted volunteer. His contribution to Let’s Talk Science and impact on students are as varied as his skills, and they include: exceptional communication in developing and testing new hands-on kits; coming up with creative ways to engage students virtually; and introducing incentivized participation for the Ignite Youth Centre community event.” - Ornela Kljakic & Sawyer Badiuk, Let’s Talk Science Outreach at Western University coordinators.

Learn more about the winner by watching their celebration video!

Indigenous Outreach Project Award, Let’s Talk Science Outreach

This award recognizes an outreach project initiated by an Outreach site (or sites) that demonstrates a strong, positive impact on Indigenous youth through involvement in STEM-focused learning opportunities.

Indigenous Lakehead
Winner: The Beausoleil First Nation and Let's Talk Science, Lakehead Orillia
Presented to Lakehead University, Orillia campus

As part of a partnership between Let's Talk Science at Lakehead Orillia and the Education Department of the Beausoleil First Nation, 26 teacher candidates/Let's Talk Science volunteers carried out an intensive program of science outreach for the seven classes that make up the Christian Island Elementary School. Teams of volunteers provided live outreach, pre-recorded activity videos and other resources for each of these classes to engage students in science at a critical time.

“Since our school is located in an island community, and with all the COVID protocols in place, it was a unique situation for the teacher candidates to be able to present lessons via Zoom to our students. The lessons that were developed were engaging and hands-on experiences that made for a great focus upon returning from home-based virtual learning for our students.” - Sara Jamieson, Principal at Christian Island Elementary School.

Learn more about the winner by watching their celebration video!

Thank you to all of the applicants, and congratulations to the 2021 winners!

Learn more about our amazing volunteers and how you can join the Let’s Talk Science Outreach community on our website!