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Creating an inclusive environment within Let's Talk Science

News | June 20, 2023 | Share on:

At Let’s Talk Science, we recognize that the key to innovation is woven within the diverse threads of culture that make up youth in Canada. Without the brilliant minds of today, there will be no tomorrow. In order to drive innovation forward, we need to nurture young minds and encourage curiosity. No one should feel afraid or embarrassed to ask questions because you never know if your question will lead to an “aha!” moment for someone else. 

As an organization, our goal has always been to create a culture where staff feel they are heard and understood. This means listening attentively to what people want to learn about and sparking new conversations internally. This June, we are showcasing some of the efforts that we have made in the past year. 

We found that as our team grew, there was a growth of expert voices with lived experiences of equity-deserving communities within the organization. As a result of our internal Equity Plan, one of many initiatives is an Equity Working Group: a diverse group of voices within Let’s Talk Science who meet every bi-monthly to initiate, support, and coordinate Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA)-related activities. The group gives updates on what each team has been working on, discusses equity within the organization, and sends out EDIA training opportunities internally. 

Knowing the value of conversations, opportunities for questions and learning through our colleagues, we host monthly employee discussions where we invite a panel of Let’s Talk Science staff, board members, and other guests to chat about their lived experiences. Some themes we have explored are Asian-lived experiences, Black-lived experiences, Indigenous experiences, 2SLGBTQIA+ lived experiences, and neurodivergence. 

The themes are recommended by our Equity Working Group or can align with national events. But the topics explored during our employee discussions are set by the speakers. Since starting our monthly employee discussions, we have received positive feedback showing connections to these speakers have been both impactful and informative. 

We realize that while these initiatives are a great start, equity will always be a work in progress. There is no ultimate destination, but a continuous journey to learn and explore. Only by recognizing and nurturing the talents and curiosity of all young minds, we are able to create a future that is rich with new innovation.