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Planned Giving FAQs

What is Planned Giving?

Planned or Legacy Giving is the designation of charitable gifts through a financial or estate plan. These are generally gifts of assets or a bequest in your Will, not current income.

How does Planned Giving benefit me?

Depending on the type of asset donated, Planned Giving can offer significant tax advantages to you now, or to your heirs when you’re gone. It’s also a way to make a much more substantial gift than might ever be possible otherwise.

What is a bequest?

A bequest is simply a gift of money or assets such as cash, stocks, bonds and securities to individuals or organizations in your Will or estate plan. A bequest made to a charity can also be called a charitable bequest, legacy gift or planned gift.

How do I leave a bequest in my will to Let’s Talk Science?

Simply contact your lawyer and have them include a clause in your Will naming Let’s Talk Science as a beneficiary. If you already have a Will, you can still include a bequest by adding a codicil (amendment) to your existing Will.

Sample Will Wording

Can I leave a bequest in my will to a particular school or community?

Naming a particular school or community in your will is not recommended as school programming, closures and other events and circumstances may make it impossible for Let’s Talk Science to honour your wishes. We recommend you direct your bequest to our Outreach program, or allow us to use it where it is needed most at the time received.

How do I make a gift of securities?

If the securities are held in a brokerage account, your broker can transfer your shares electronically to the Let’s Talk Science account at Scotia Capital Inc. You simply contact your broker and complete the Transfer of Securities form. If you have share certificates, please let us know by email.

I have already included a gift to Let’s Talk Science in my Will. Do I need to let you know?

Thank you for your generosity and for supporting future generations through your gift! By letting us know of your gift, we’ll have the opportunity to properly thank you, recognize your support and welcome you to a special group of donors who have made a future provision to Let’s Talk Science through the establishment of a gift in their estate plan. If you would like to notify us of your gift, please email us.