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How tall can you build a marshmallow structure that will support weight?

How tall can you build a marshmallow structure that will support weight?

Hands-on Activities

Are you willing to give up a sweet treat for the sake of science? Can you engineer a strong and stable structure out of something soft and fluffy?

Paddleboat on the Fraser River, BC

How can we make a paddle boat?

Hands-on Activities

Make and test a model paddle boat and learn about potential and kinetic energy.

How can you see underwater?

How can you see underwater?

Hands-on Activities

Explore how we see things through water.

Dinosaur footprint fossil

How did dinosaurs leave fossils behind?

Hands-on Activities

Using a toy dinosaur and some plaster of Paris, learn how dinosaur footprints could become fossils.

How do animals hide?

How do animals hide?

Hands-on Activities

Play a game of hide and seek to discover how animals can hide in plain sight!

How do I see colour?

How do I see colour?

Hands-on Activities

How is light connected to the colours we see? In this STEAM activity make a colourful light catcher and discover why we see different colours?

How do vacuum cleaners work?

How do vacuum cleaners work?

Hands-on Activities

Discover the type of pressure that is used in a vacuum cleaner.

Can we make butter?

Can we make butter?

Hands-on Activities

Do you like butter? Find out how easy it is to make!