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How can I stop bananas from turning brown?

How can I stop bananas from turning brown?

Hands-on Activities

Explore the chemistry behind why bananas turn brown. Can chemistry also help prevent this?

How can I take fingerprints?

How can I take fingerprints?

Hands-on Activities

In this activity learn how to collect fingerprints, about the patterns in fingerprints and why fingerprinting is so useful!

compass pointing north

How can I tell which way is north at night?

Hands-on Activities

Do you like to look at the stars? What can you identify in the night sky? Try finding some important constellations tonight!

How can I write secret messages?

How can I write secret messages?

Hands-on Activities

Learn how you can write and reveal secret messages in this hands-on chemistry activity.

How can you lift a marble off a table without touching it with your hands?

How can you lift a marble off a table without touching it with your hands?

Hands-on Activities

Is it magic? No - it’s physics! Use circular motion to overcome the force of gravity and amaze your family!

Dinosaur footprint fossil

How did dinosaurs leave fossils behind?

Hands-on Activities

Using a toy dinosaur and some plaster of Paris, learn how dinosaur footprints could become fossils.

Polar bear and two cubs

How do animals stay warm in the winter?

Hands-on Activities

Animals have some unique adaptations to stay warm. Discover what conduction of heat and insulation have to do with staying warm!

How can a person walk through a sheet of paper?

How can a person walk through a sheet of paper?

Hands-on Activities

In this challenge activity discover how one piece of paper can go a long way. It's time to think outside the box!

How can I build a rollercoaster?

How can I build a rollercoaster?

Hands-on Activities

Try your hand at building a “super coaster” using materials around your home.

How can I engineer a raft so that it holds the most weight?

How can I engineer a raft so that it holds the most weight?

Hands-on Activities

Explore the forces of gravity and buoyancy while designing a raft to hold the most weight possible.

How can I make a bottle rocket?

How can I make a bottle rocket?

Hands-on Activities

Use a pop bottle and other everyday materials to create a rocket that you can launch outdoors.

How can I make a Vortex Cannon?

How can I make a Vortex Cannon?

Hands-on Activities

Build a vortex cannon and discover how fluids (liquids and gases) can move in unique ways due to their physical properties.

How big were dinosaurs?

How big were dinosaurs?

Hands-on Activities

Some dinosaurs were very big! Compare the sizes of different dinosaurs to the sizes of familiar objects you see in your community.

Can we make butter?

Can we make butter?

Hands-on Activities

Do you like butter? Find out how easy it is to make!